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Mental Health

Blog Posts

A woman completing a sit-up or abdominal crunch
Read article: Tabata: A fun and effective workout style!
Tabata: A fun and effective workout style!
A tabata workout, while rhyming with ciabatta and sounding like...
the words you got this written on the ground
Read article: How to help youth build resiliency
How to help youth build resiliency
What does resilience look like? It’s that process of how we deal with difficult situations or adversity. Life is full of difficulty, such as...
Read article: Managing the winter blues
Managing the winter blues
Winter is upon us and those longer hours of darkness coupled with the colder temperatures can make many people experience those “winter blues.” I am...
An older couple walking outside on a snowy sidewalk. One of them is using a walking cane.
Read article: Conquer the cold: Improve your health by staying active this winter
Conquer the cold: Improve your health by staying active this winter
December is here and it has brought shorter days and colder temperatures. Have you noticed any changes to your exercise routine or the amount of time...

News Releases

 Becki Doiron stands at a podium and addresses a room full of seniors sharing information about brain and body health.
Family and Consumer Sciences Conference engages seniors
ULLIN, Ill. – Social isolation and loneliness can have a profound impact on well-being, particularly among older adults. The Family and Consumer Sciences Conference provided a welcoming space for seniors to connect, learn, and foster new friendships.Most, if not all, in attendance were...
Sprinkle more kindness for heart-health benefits
Kindness is more than a simple act—it’s a heart-healthy habit. A study in the Journal of Social Psychology found that performing acts of kindness for seven days significantly boosted happiness. Whether it’s being kind to yourself, a friend, or a stranger—or simply witnessing kindness—these...
Time to Thrive in 2025
As we step into 2025, it's the perfect moment to focus on holistic well-being. Thriving in the new year means embracing a balanced approach to physical, mental, and emotional health. Illinois Extension nutrition and wellness educator...
