News Releases

bee on flower
Take small steps to improve, support the environment this winter
URBANA, Ill. – Widespread environmental issues like changing weather patterns and habitat loss can feel overwhelming, but small everyday choices make a difference. Explore sustainable maple syrup harvesting, tornado trends in the U.S., and what research says about how to support pollinators in...
congress delegates pose around a congress sign
Outstanding Illinois 4-H teens selected as national delegates
ATLANTA, GA -- Ten teens from Illinois attended a five-day national conference in Atlanta, GA designed to expand their skills, engage with other 4-H members, and provide inspiration. Delegates to National 4-H Congress are selected on their...
Boys and girls standing with bag in hand
Five Ogle County 4-H Ambassadors chosen for new role honored
OREGON, Ill.- Five Ogle County 4-H members are new Ogle County 4-H Ambassadors for the 2022-2023 4-H year. They include Elizabeth Armbruster, Oregon; Trent Heller, Dixon; Grant Johnson, Forreston; Gracie Prose, Oregon; and Molly Ziegler, Oregon. All five members completed a rigorous application...
cover crops in field
Cover cropping up to 7.2% in U.S. Midwest, boosted by government programs
URBANA, Ill. – Cover crops, with their ability to reduce erosion and promote soil health, are being planted across more Midwestern land than ever. That’s according to new University of Illinois research showing cover crop adoption reached 7.2% in 2021, up from just 1.8% a decade prior. The...
Give someone a green holiday season with the gift of plants
URBANA, Ill. – If picking the perfect holiday gift stresses you out, this year visit your local garden center for a natural gift that keeps on giving. Gardening and growing plants is an experiential gift that is both rewarding and fun. If you are gifting a plant this season, remember to...
chilly stream near home
Gully erosion prediction tools can lead to better land management
URBANA, Ill. – ­Soil erosion is a significant problem for agricultural production, impacting soil quality and causing pollutants to enter waterways. Among all stages of soil erosion, gully erosion is the most severe phase, where large channels are carved through the field. Once gullies develop,...
camaya wallace bechard
Ensuring access for all, Extension adds DEIA leadership
URBANA, Ill. – A new leadership position will guide University of Illinois Extension’s efforts to ensure its programs are relevant, inclusive, and accessible to all of Illinois’ diverse residents and communities. ...
mixing bowl with eggs and flour food safety
Protect your holiday baking traditions with 4 food safety tips
URBANA, Ill. – Holiday baking brings family and friends together and creates lasting memories as friends share recipes, stories, and meaningful time together.  Amid the flurry of flour-covered countertops and mountains of messy mixing bowls, keep food safety in mind. “Baking and...
4-H livestock award winners
Illinois 4-H Livestock Judging Team places seventh in the nation
LOUISVILLE, Ky. – The Illinois State 4-H Livestock Judging Team took seventh in the nation at the National 4-H Livestock Judging Contest. This contest is held in conjunction with the North American International Livestock Exposition in...
Local youth wins prize at 2022 eSports Land of Lincoln Championships
SPRINGFIELD, Ill. – In August, Illinois 4-H held a statewide eSports competition, 2022 eSports Land of Lincoln Championships. Overall, 57 youths competed for their share of a $4K non-cash prize pool. An Ogle County youth was among the Fortnite Free For All winners. This event was sponsored by...
Whiteside County 4-H to offer Holiday STEAM Workshop
STERLING, Ill.-How fast can you make your mini-Christmas tree spin? Explore reactions while making some holiday “cloud dough.” Youth ages 5-12 can learn more about Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Math at the University of Illinois Extension holiday...
pigs with 4-H logo
Illinois 4-H Skillathon Team Crowned National Champions
LOUISVILLE, Ky. – The Illinois 4-H Livestock Skillathon Team recently topped 20 teams from across U.S. to bring home the National 4-H Livestock Skillathon Champion title. The contest was held in conjunction with the North American International Livestock...
trophy and 4H logo
Illinois 4-H Livestock Quiz Bowl Team named fourth in the nation
LOUISVILLE, Ky. – The Illinois State 4-H Livestock Quiz Bowl Team was named fourth in the nation at the National 4-H Livestock Quiz Bowl Contest held in conjunction with the North American International Livestock Exposition in Louisville, Ky.  ...