College can be an exciting time of self-discovery and growth, but it's also a time to face new financial challenges that produce anxiety and stress. To manage this, it's best to start early to build good financial habits that will ensure a solid future, learn how to make the most of financial resources, save money, spend wisely, and manage student loans.
University of Illinois Extension and other collaborators offer "Get Savvy - Grow Your Green Stuff," a free online series to inform, educate, and empower young adults and college students about important financial topics and help them make wise decisions to achieve financial wellness.
“Through this webinar series, participants can become empowered with reliable information to make informed decisions,” says Emily Harmon, Extension financial educator.
Session dates:
- Cash at College | August 16, Noon
- Read Before You Sign: Renting & Leasing | September 6, Noon
- Spooked by Spending Plans? | October 11, Noon
- Don't Get Phished: Avoid Scams & Fraud | November 8, Noon
- Your Financial Tool Chest | December 6, Noon
- Money in Your Entrepreneurial Pursuit | January 24, 2024, Noon
- Steps to Investing: What to Know Now | February 7, 2024, Noon
- Save Money on Food | March 6, 2024, Noon
- Student Loan Management | April 3, 2024, Noon
- Money, Stress, and Bad Habits | May 1, 2024, Noon
Register by visiting go.uillinois.edu/getsavvywebinars
For more information or if you need a reasonable accommodation to participate in this program, contact Emily Harmon at ebaine@illinois.edu. Early requests are strongly encouraged to allow sufficient time to meet access needs.
2023-2024 Get Savvy: Grow Your Green Stuff webinar team includes collaborators from:
- University of Illinois Student Money Management Center
- Illinois Department of Financial & Professional Regulation
- UIC Entrepreneurial Support Program
- US Securities & Exchange Commission
- UIC Wellness Center
For more financial resources, visit the Plan Well, Retire Well blog. Extension educators can help explore options and begin taking steps toward healthy finances.
SOURCE, Emily Harmon, Financial Educator, Illinois Extension
WRITER: Herbert Chavez, Media Communications Coordinator, Illinois Extension
Illinois Extension leads public outreach for University of Illinois by translating research into action plans that allow Illinois families, businesses, and community leaders to solve problems, make informed decisions, and adapt to changes and opportunities. Illinois Extension is part of the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign College of Agricultural, Consumer and Environmental Sciences.