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Financial Wellness


Blog Posts

Read article: Practicing basic financial self-care
Practicing basic financial self-care
When it comes to self-care, what comes to mind? Taking time to focus on your own personal needs can be challenging to prioritize. Busy schedules and...
Read article: What can you learn from your W-2, Wage and Tax Statement?
What can you learn from your W-2, Wage and Tax Statement?
Have you received a Wage and Tax Statement for 2024? When you earn money ($600 or more) from an employer, you should receive a...
Read article: Prioritize saving this holiday season
Prioritize saving this holiday season
Tis the season for holiday spending. Retail sales typically increase during the fourth quarter...
Smiling woman holding credit card
Read article: Grow your financial knowledge 1 hour at a time
Grow your financial knowledge 1 hour at a time
Yikes! Making decisions about money can be very overwhelming. So often, a financial choice pops up and it seems impossible to even know where to...

News Releases

group of people receiving an award
Connections across Extension programs lead to lasting impact
URBANA, Ill. — Establishing connections is essential for the expansion of Illinois Extension. Interdisciplinary work shows how collaboration across programs brings valuable knowledge to new audiences and builds lasting relationships. From teams that improve food access and eliminate food deserts...
nine pieces of yellow sticky notes on a white wall
Extension summer programming offered in Rochelle
ROCHELLE, Ill. - Illinois Extension offers free programming at the Hub City Senior Center in Rochelle this summer. The first workshop will be held on July 24 from 1-2 pm. Kara Schweitzer, University of Illinois Extension Educator, dives into aging and the many changes that happen along the way...


Conscious Credit

How do you find accurate, credible information to help you make ethical and conscious borrowing decisions? Explore the role of a responsible borrower and myths and facts about credit.

What's Your Job Worth

Employer-sponsored retirement plans are a significant investment tool for many people. Are you receiving all the benefits of your job that you can?