1350 West Prairie Drive Sycamore IL 60178-3166
Johnna B. Jennings is the 4-H Youth Development Educator for the University of Illinois Extension in Boone, DeKalb and Ogle counties.
She earned a bachelor of science in agricultural communications from Ohio State University and a master of education from the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign.
As an educator working with 4-H Youth Development, Jennings’ programs focus on hands-on learning inside and outside the classroom, emphasizing positive youth development.
Jennings is a National Association of Extension 4-H Agents (NAE4-HA) member and a member of the Illinois Extension Professionals for Youth Education. She has earned the Distinguished Service Award from both organizations for her work with 4-H youth development.
Jennings has a long history with 4-H youth development; she was a 4-H member growing up in Ohio and has worked with the program since she graduated from college. Jennings and her husband, Dan, have two daughters who were also active members of the 4-H program.