What we believe.
The Community & Economic Development team at Illinois Extension follows the Principles of Good Practice from the Community Development Society as we develop and deliver programs across Illinois to address current issues and community needs. As we strengthen communities, we subscribe to the following.
Co-Learning. Engage in mutual learning and capacity building among professionals and community members through reflective practice, experiential knowledge, professional development, and scholarship.
Collaboration. Bridge boundaries of place, sector, discipline, identity, and interest to integrate diverse perspectives and resources in shared decision-making and co-creation.
Community-Driven Practice. Center those most directly impacted in the planning, implementation, and evaluation of community initiatives, policies, programs, and research that affect their lives.
Community Power. Respect the ability of community members to develop and sustain a strong self-image, create shared power, and think and do for themselves.
Dignity within Diversity. Practice and foster cultural humility, nonjudgmental listening, and accountability for any harm done.
Economic Autonomy. Strengthen local ownership and stewardship of community assets and wealth building opportunities.
Social Justice. Identify, resist, and dismantle systems of oppression experienced by both historically marginalized groups and emerging social identities.
Sustainability. Practice and foster careful deliberation of the cultural, social, economic, and environmental impacts of actions and inactions over time.
We're Here to Help

Michael Delany

Eleazar Edwards

Dustin Fritsche

Zachary Kennedy

Michelle Kim

Tiffany Macke

Russell Medley

Susan Odum

Nancy Ouedraogo

Laura Payne

Richard Proffer

Jennifer Russell

Destenie Sullivan