Adaptations are body features and behavior habits that help a living thing survive and reproduce in its natural environment. Adaptations help organisms obtain necessities for life, cope with environmental conditions, defend themselves from predators, reproduce and respond to changes around them. A variety of hands-on activities are available by grade level.
Animal Hair/Skittledoppers (grades K-2)
Youth listen to the book “Animal Hair” and learn about differences and similarities of hair adaptation.
Students are challenged to find food as “skittledoppers” that have to find non-poisonous food in order to survive. (30 min)
Animal Hair/Build Your Own Animal (grades K-2)
Youth listen to the book “Animal Hair” and learn about differences and similarities of hair adaptation.
After learning the basic knowledge of animal adaptions, youth are challenged to create their own animal by deciding where their animal lives and its features. Students can use basic household items to make their fictional animals. (30-45 min)
Bird Beak Adaptation (grades 3-6)
Bird breaks have adapted to help birds survive and find food within their habitat. Working in groups, students are given pictures of birds, sample beaks, sources of food, and habitats. Each beak has a different function based on various necessary adaptations. Each group must work together to use the sample tools provided to match the type of bird to the type of beak. (45-60 min)
Each spring, we offer this hands-on project designed to give your students the opportunity to hatch chicks in their own classroom. During the 21-day incubation period, students learn to prepare eggs, set up an incubator, record progress, turn eggs, and test eggs for fertility. The project aligns with state learning standards and can be adapted to any grade level. Learn more about the 2024 program.