Youth & 4-H Programs

Learn and grow through 4-H experiences

4-H Clover Emblem

Illinois 4-H welcomes all youth ages 5 to 18, from all backgrounds, with all interests, wherever they live. They can learn more about the things they like or are curious about. In 4-H, kids and teens will meet mentors and peers in their communities. They can develop new skills, dig deeper in an area of interest, check out careers, and explore the world around them. 


What's happening near you

We are excited to guide your 4-H journey.

Explore interests and expand horizons


4-H is a place where all kids and teens can find where they belong. Interested in learning more but not sure where to start? Complete this interest survey to find the 4-H group or experience that's just right for your family. 


Why 4-H?

In 4-H, you learn by doing, have fun, and build important life skills. 4-H is a place where you can find where you belong. Want to know more about what your 4-H experience might look like? 

  • Create, build and make things. Whether you're inspired by robots and nature or photography and recipes, our programs give you tools and opportunities to imagine, create, and learn.
  • Help others. A core aspect of 4-H is learning to serve those around us. 4-H clubs help you find meaningful ways to impact your neighbors and community.
  • Make new friends. From clubs to camps to workshops, in 4-H you'll meet new people and experience new social and cultural events. It's pretty easy to form friendships when they're based on shared interests and experiences.
  • Explore careers and expand your world. In 4-H, you can explore your interests and try jobs on for size through hands-on learning. Members also can travel across the state, around the country or even go abroad through our programs.
  • Be a leader. 4-H provides youth the opportunity to take on leadership roles in their clubs and communities. You can apply the skills you build in 4-H to help you succeed in the classroom and your future career.

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