Quick and Healthy Cantaloupe Recipes 

Cantaloupe can be sliced, diced, or scooped. With a cantaloupe ball tool, the fruit becomes an artistic presentation. Cantaloupe is delicious served for meals or snacks, or in bag lunches. For food safety, dispose of cut cantaloupe if it has been kept for longer than 2 hours at room temperature or 1 hour when temperatures are over 90°F. 

Nutritional Value and Health Benefits of Muskmelon

Melons are high in vitamin C, fat free, and very low in sodium (salt) or sodium free.


Nutrition Facts

Serving size, 1 large wedge, (102 g)

  • Calories: 34.7
  • Protein: .9 grams
  • Carbohydrates: 8.3 grams
  • Dietary Fiber: .9 grams
  • Vitamin D: 0 mcg
  • Calcium: 9.2 mg
  • Iron: .2 mg
  • Potassium: 272 mg


Preparation and Serving

Cantaloupe should be washed just before preparing and eating. Slice the cantaloupe open, scoop out the seeds and strings, and slice it for serving. What fruit could you find that is more easily prepared? To remove the rind, slice the cantaloupe in sections and slide a sharp knife between the rind and flesh. Cut into serving sizes.


Home Preservation

Cantaloupe and other melons should not be canned and are not well suited to drying. Cantaloupe preserves or pickle recipes from reliable sources would be a better option.



  • Select firm-fleshed, well-colored, ripe melons. Cut in half, remove seeds and rind. Cut melons into slices, cubes or balls.

Syrup Pack

  • Pack into containers and cover with cold 30 percent syrup. Leave headspace. Seal and freeze.

Unsweetened Pack

  • Pack into containers, leaving headspace. Seal and freeze.