News Releases

4-H Hands To Larger Service
4-H in Northwest Illinois is in full swing this Spring. 4-H Alumni, 4-H families and members, volunteers, and University of Illinois Extension staff have been putting the 4-H pledge into action and embracing the opportunity to give back to our communities over the past few weeks. 4-H clubs...
Discover Brain Health Webinar Series
  NEWS RELEASE – PREPARED BY Jill Guynn, County Director UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS EXTENSION – Bureau, LaSalle, Marshall, Putnam Unit DISCOVER BRAIN HEALTH WEBINAR SERIES University of Illinois Extension – Bureau, LaSalle, Marshall, Putnam Unit invites...
Hemp Grower Spotlight: Sulcanna
FREEPORT, Ill. -- University of Illinois Extension will continue with their “Grower Spotlight” webinar series on Friday April 17th, 2020 from 9:00AM-10:30AM. This webinar series serves as a platform for our local producers and allow other growers and agribusiness professionals to come together...
Hemp Grower Spotlight: Rock River Labs
The University of Illinois Extension is excited to announce that the first edition of their “Grower Spotlight” webinar series will be held on Tuesday April 14th, 2020 from 9:00AM-10:30AM. This webinar series serves as a platform for our local producers and other growers and agribusiness...
Understanding the truths of autism
URBANA, Ill. - The myths surrounding autism often overshadow the truths. Leading University of Illinois experts will provide insight into what autism is as they debunk myths during an online webinar from 6:30 to 8 p.m. Tuesday, April 7....
Improve your health at home: Online Webinar
URBANA, Ill. - Staying healthy can be a challenge, especially as more of our time is spent at home. Learn healthful strategies for enriching your wellness journey over the next two months that can change your life. Free online webinars offered by ...
Hemp grower spotlight: American Hemp Research
FREEPORT, Ill. - The University of Illinois Extension will continue with their “Grower Spotlight” webinar series on Monday April 6th, 2020 from 9:00AM-10:30AM. This webinar series serves as a platform for our local producers and allow other growers, agribusiness professionals, university and...
Hemp grower spotlight: Clara Joyce Flowers
Farmers’ Experiences/Lessons Learned From 2019 FREEPORT, Ill. - The University of Illinois Extension will continue their “Grower Spotlight” webinar series on Thursday April 2nd, 2020 from 9:00AM-10:30AM. This webinar series serves as a platform for our local producers and allow other...
Stephenson County 4-H Member Receives State Award for Project Mastery
Michelle Marck, a Freeport Fantastics 4-H Club member in Freeport, is being recognized by University of Illinois Extension’s State 4-H Office in Champaign for her 4-H accomplishments in Project Mastery. “Michelle has shown the dedication to her craft and her fellow 4-H members to be successful...
Get Growing webinar series announced for growing vegetables and fruit
FREEPORT, Ill. - University of Illinois Extension is proud to announce an upcoming fruit and vegetable webinar series offered this April for backyard growers and homeowners. “Each spring, we get a number of calls to our University of Illinois Extension office asking about growing fruit...
Illinois State 4-H celebrates local 4-H member
  ELIZABETH, IL-  Dalton Wachter, a Top Notchers 4-H Club member in Elizabeth, is being recognized by University of Illinois Extension’s State 4-H Office in Champaign for his 4-H related accomplishments this past year. “Dalton has had tremendous success this year. As a young 4-...
Preparing for Extreme Weather
Thursday, March 26 at Noon CST  Presented by: Trent Ford, Illinois State Climatologist: Sally McConkey, Engineer/Hydrologist Illinois State Water Survey For municipal leaders and community organizers across the state, 2019 flooding presented a host of challenges...
Time to Prune Your Raspberry and Blackberry Plants
While most fruit trees have been pruned for the season, homeowners should look to prune raspberry and blackberry plants in the next couple of weeks. Your first step in pruning these is to know that brambles produce primocanes and floricanes. “A primocane would be a cane that grew in...