News Releases

Moving forward after October reports in corn and soybeans
Source: Todd Hubbs, 217-300-4688, News writer: Debra Levey Larson, 217-244-2880,   URBANA, Ill. – The release of USDA's October reports created a rally in soybean prices that pushed November soybean futures...
Are we at a tipping point with weed control?
Source: Adam Davis, 217-333-9654, News writer: Lauren Quinn, 217-300-2435,   URBANA, Ill. – Imagine you're walking the cereal aisle at your favorite grocery store. Are you reading labels? Scanning prices?...
Pork industry’s sustainable expansion
Source: Chris Hurt, 765-494-4273, News writer: Debra Levey Larson, 217-244-2880,   URBANA, Ill. – The pork industry has been in expansion now for three years dating back to 2014 when the PED virus reduced pork...
Where is fiber fermented in the pig digestive tract?
Source: Hans Stein, 217-333-0013, hstein@illinois.eduNews writer: Lauren Quinn, 217-300-2435, URBANA, Ill. – Fiber is increasingly being added to pig diets, but digestion of fiber in pigs is inefficient and poorly understood. In a new study from...
Sept. 1 grain stocks estimate provide muted support for prices
Source: Todd Hubbs, 217-300-4688, jhubbs3@illinois.eduNews writer: Debra Levey Larson, 217-244-2880, URBANA, Ill. Corn and soybean prices continue to be focused on the possibility of large United States production levels in 2017. The USDA's estimates of Sept. 1,...
Corn prices unlikely to find support from Sept. 1 Stocks Report
Source: Todd Hubbs, 217-300-4688, News writer: Debra Levey Larson, 217-244-2880,   URBANA, Ill. – Corn prices continue to reflect the presence of a large, old-crop ending stock and higher-than-expected corn...
Soybean consumption finishes strong in 2016-17
Source: Todd Hubbs, 217-300-4688, News writer: Debra Levey Larson, 217-244-2880,   URBANA, Ill. – The 2016-17 marketing year for soybeans closed with strong consumption in soybean crush and export numbers....
Infection in pregnant pigs leads to antisocial piglets
Date: September 19, 2017Source: Rodney Johnson, 217-333-2118,; Adrienne Antonson, News writer: Lauren Quinn, 217-300-2435, URBANA, Ill. – When a pregnant woman gets a bad case of the flu, her immune...
The time is RIPE to transform agriculture and feed the world
Date: September 15, 2017 Source/writer: Claire Benjamin, 217-244-0941,, @ClaireBenji URBANA, Ill. – Political and agricultural leaders gather at the University of Illinois today to see transformative work by scientists in the Realizing Increased...
Corn and soybean production outlook in 2017-18
Source: Todd Hubbs, 217-300-4688, News writer: Debra Levey Larson, 217-244-2880,   URBANA, Ill. – Given the price reaction, the market remains uncertain about the USDA's September forecast of 2017 corn and...
Corn gluten meal needs a name change. Where’s the gluten?
Source: Kent Rausch, 217-265-0697, News writer: Debra Levey Larson, 217-244-2880,   URBANA, Ill. – One coproduct from wet milling corn is corn gluten meal-a high-protein ingredient used in many pet foods and...
Herbicide rotation ineffective against resistance in waterhemp
Source: Patrick Tranel, 217-333-1531, News writer: Lauren Quinn, 217-300-2435,   URBANA, Ill. – Farmers have been battling herbicide-resistant weeds for generations. A common practice for most of that time has...
Relationship science: How can couples keep moving forward
Source: Brian Ogolsky, 217-244-1199, News writer: Stephanie Henry, 217-244-1183,   URBANA, Ill. – For some couples in romantic relationships, just staying together is good enough. But others want to see their...
A decade later, older Americans are still going hungry
Source: Craig Gundersen, 217-333-2857; News writer: Debra Levey Larson, 217-244-2880;   URBANA, Ill. – Hunger does not respect age. A recent report comparing data from 2007 to 2015 finds 5.4 million people age...
Storing corn and soybeans in 2017
Source: Todd Hubbs, 217-300-4688, News writer: Debra Levey Larson, 217-244-2880,   URBANA, Ill. – The current price structure of corn and soybean futures markets indicate positive carry in both markets. This...
Choosing your dog’s food: Who is leading the pack?
News source: Maria Cattai de Godoy, 217-300-0226, Writer: Lauren Quinn, 217-300-2435, URBANA, Ill. – Dog owners want the best for their furry companions, but not much is known about what drives an owner's decisions...