Everyday Environment

Small changes have positive impacts on the environment.

Everyday Environment explores the intricate web of connections that bind us to the natural world. From water, air, energy, plants, and animals to the complex interactions within these elements, we aim to unravel the ties that link us to our environment. Through podcasts, blogs,  webinars, and videos, you'll gain a deeper understanding of and appreciation for these connections in Illinois and beyond.

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What Illinois Residents Should Know About Climate Change

August 8, 1 p.m. CT

Climate change is here, let's talk about it. 

Discover what climate change means for Illinois now and in the future and explore practical solutions. Learn how you can play a vital role in helping your community be healthier and more resilient to the effects of climate change. Don't miss this opportunity to be part of the conversation and make a difference!

Presenter: Trent Ford, Illinois State Climatologist

Sign Up for the Webinar

The Everyday Environment spring and fall webinars feature a different environmental topic to encourage sustainable practices. Tune in and learn how you can do your part to protect the planet for generations to enjoy. All sessions are free. 

Looking for previous programs? Recordings are posted several weeks after the program to allow time for closed captioning.

Watch Past Webinars on YouTube

Spotlight on Natural Resources Podcast
Join us as we talk with Sarah Zack, Pollution Prevention Extension Specialist, about per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances, or PFAS. Commonly found in a wide variety of consumer products like non-stick cookware, cosmetics, and cleaners, PFAS are an emerging contaminant that has recently become...
Naturalist News Blog
trees woodland area

Unique soil conditions create biodiversity in Flatwood Forests

Walking through the woods, you will notice that not all forests are the same. The plant composition, elevation in the land, geography, and soil composition all make for a variety of forest types. One of my favorites and most unique is the flatwood forest. A flatwoods is a level area with a hardpan...
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two red insects, a lady bug and a lady beetle.

Asian lady beetles move indoors for winter

When I put my blog choice in for ladybugs versus lady beetles, I thought it was going to be an easy write-up. A piece about our native ladybugs and the seemingly invasive biological control animal I like to call the Terminator Lady Beetles. It would be a good guy versus bad guy story. Ladybugs,...
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crows roosting in tree tops at dusk with moon rising in background

Crows come home to roost

When I sat down to write this blog, I didn’t have a clear topic in my mind. So, I did what I usually do when I want to think and looked out my office window. Through this window, I can see just the tops of three oak trees which today were covered with crows. I counted more than two dozen with more...
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grackle bird perching on bird feed cage

Wild songbird illness still undiagnosed

The email came in sometime in May of this year. A colleague in Northern Illinois contacted me with a wild bird concern. A woman had found a dead bird in her yard for a second day in a row and was wondering if something was wrong that she had not heard about.  I gave the standard answer:...
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brilliant red fall color of Eastern Wahoo shrub

Nature's Technicolor Dreamcoat: The science of fall color

You feel it, don't you? Sunrise coming later, sunset earlier, and the roller rink of acorns underfoot. The change of seasons is well underway. And just as you are pulling out your flannel shirts, wool socks, and warm gloves the trees and shrubs are also pulling out their fall wardrobe. The...
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