Everyday Environment

Small changes have positive impacts on the environment.

Everyday Environment explores the intricate web of connections that bind us to the natural world. From water, air, energy, plants, and animals to the complex interactions within these elements, we aim to unravel the ties that link us to our environment. Through podcasts, blogs,  webinars, and videos, you'll gain a deeper understanding of and appreciation for these connections in Illinois and beyond. Each fall and spring, we'll explore a new topic in detail. 

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Climate Change in Illinois

In the fall of 2024, Everyday Environment explored the different facets of climate change. Take a look at the full collection of climate change videos, blogs, and podcasts below.

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Climate Change Blogs

Reduce methane generation with composting 

Exploring the Potential of Agrivoltaics

Renewable energy offers benefits for our future

How agricultural carbon markets are investing in policy and interest for farmers

Saving the planet is child's play! Empower youth about climate change

Adapting to climate change can have added health benefits

Pollinators' complicated relationship with climate change

What to expect with invasives and climate change

Soil carbon addresses climate resiliency for the future

The urban forest is a climate tool for all

How plants respond to rising carbon dioxide concentrations

Climate expert breaks down the basics of climate change

Climate Change Podcast Episodes

Coffee grounds are green: composting reduces methane and builds up soil

Investigating solar energy and agriculture: agrivoltaics and climate change

Exploring carbon markets as part of emissions reduction goals

Cover Crops not Mudslides: empowering youth on climate change

It’s all about risk: how climate change increases our risk of health concerns and how we can adapt

Exploring the challenges facing pollinators

Will invasive species be helped or hindered by climate change?

Understanding soil as a system

708 million tons of carbon storage: Urban Forests and climate change

Too Much of a Good Thing: A Plant’s Perspective on Climate Change

Shifting to a Silver Lining: Climate Expert Talks Climate Change Basics

Climate Change Videos

An Introduction to Climate Change in Illinois

How renewable energy transitions are happening in rural Illinois

Can your lawn be climate friendly?

An Interview with a Buckthorn Tree

Reduce your energy use to help fight climate change

Webinar: What Illinois Residents Should Know about Climate Change 

 Webinar: Actions for Illinois Residents to Combat Climate Change


The Everyday Environment webinars explore environmental topics to encourage sustainable practices. Tune in and learn how you can do your part to protect the planet for generations to enjoy. All sessions are free. 

Looking for previous programs? Recordings are posted several weeks after the program to allow time for closed captioning. The most recent sessions are available below.

Watch Past Webinars on YouTube

What Illinois Residents Should Know About Climate Change

Discover what climate change means for Illinois now and in the future and explore practical solutions. Learn how you can play a vital role in helping your community be healthier and more resilient to the effects of climate change. Don't miss this opportunity to be part of the conversation and...

Actions for Illinois Residents to Combat Climate Change

While there are many strategies to reduce risk and adapt at global and regional scales, individuals can also take action. 

In this video you will learn how you can address climate change in your home, landscape, and community, explore how different methods of managing your lawn,...

Everyday Environment Podcast
In the final episode of our Everyday Environment season focused on climate change, we chat with Duane Friend, Illinois Extension Climate Change Specialist to explore practical ways to get involved in climate action. Whether you're looking to make a difference in your own life or in your...
Everyday Environment Blog
Beaver chew

Nature's Current Event - The Beaver Moon

The Beaver Moon was at its fullest this morning at 3:30 a.m. CDT. My unreasonable alarm, set for 3:15 a.m. to view it, was for nothing more than a drink of water. Here in northern Illinois it was overcast and only my faith in the moon’s existence was clear. However, as I peered half asleep at the...
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Crawfish frog adult

Species Profile – Crawfish Frog

Imagine you are five years old and playing in the tall grass, feeling the spongy wet soil beneath your feet, when suddenly the quiet is interrupted by shockingly loud, deep guttural calls all around you.   You are startled beyond your wits and leap out of the grass in a rush back to the...
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Sandhill Crane in a wetland

Nature's Current Events: Sandhill Crane Migration

Growing up in central Illinois, I was familiar with swaths of Canada Geese migrating across the sky and their characteristic HONK!, but after moving to Northeastern Illinois, I have discovered the joy of a slightly more charismatic bird that captures the hearts of naturalists and nature...
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Tree Identification

Event: Annual Day of Learning

September blue is not a paint color option at the home improvement store, though it should be. September blue is the distinct color of the sky in that imperceptible month between the last heated days of August and the ever so popular start of fall in October. In land management and conservation...
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Upper branches of white oak tree

Species Profile: White Oak

The mighty white oak tree, Quercus alba, has long been the subject of folklore and legend. Sometimes called the “King of Trees,” the oak is often associated with titans in the pagan pantheon, Zeus and Thor to name just two. In Illinois, we recognize its importance and have named...
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Hill Prairie overlooking river

Ecological Profile: Hill Prairies of Illinois

Illinois is the prairie state, but don’t think all prairies are the same.  While deep-soil, tallgrass prairie dominated much of the landscape, other prairie types found niches too. Along some of the big river systems in Illinois, hill prairies found a home perched at the top of steep, rocky...
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Header image of Local OPAL creator Julie Robinson in a Kayak with the Local OPAL Logo

Local OPAL- Guiding People to Nature

Illinois Master Naturalists want to experience as much of the natural world as possible and share that passion with their fellow citizens. Peoria County Master Naturalist, Julie Robinson, took this mission to heart when observing students spending less and less time outdoors and more time in front...
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Master Naturalist Profile: Nachusa Prairie Steward

Our first Master Naturalist profile is a man with a heart for conservation, Joe Richardson.  Joe doesn’t claim to be anything more than a retired man who loves nature. That stated, on average he volunteers 289.5 hours annually with our conservation partners...
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