OREGON, Ill. - Ogle County 4-H families donated craft items to Liberty Village of Rochelle. The Activities Department will be able to use the items in group activities and distribute items to the residents.
PHOTO: Liberty Village of Rochelle was thankful for the donations. Pictured L to R: Colleen Woodruff, Activity Director, and Rachel Toth, Activity Assistant.
University of Illinois Extension develops educational programs, extends knowledge, and builds partnerships to support people, communities, and their environments as part of the state's land-grant institution. Extension serves as the leading public outreach effort for University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign and the College of Agricultural, Consumer and Environmental Sciences in all 102 Illinois counties through a network of 27 multi-county units and over 700 staff statewide. Extension’s mission is responsive to eight strategic priorities — community, economy, environment, food and agriculture, health, partnerships, technology and discovery, and workforce excellence — that are served through six program areas — 4-H youth development, agriculture and agribusiness, community and economic development, family and consumer science, integrated health disparities, and natural resources, environment, and energy.