3351 N President Howard Brown Blvd Decatur IL 62521
Haley Jones is the 4-H Youth Development Educator serving Macon County. Prior to joining Illinois Extension, Jones worked with the Iowa 4-H program within Iowa State University Extension and Outreach for 9 years at both the county and state levels.
Jones graduated from Iowa State University with a bachelor’s degree in Dairy Science and again with a master’s degree in Agricultural Education with an emphasis on Extension.
Haley is a native of Spencer, Iowa, where she grew up on her family’s commercial dairy farm and was an active member of the Meadow Busy Bees 4-H club in her county. Outside of work, Haley is a volunteer with the Big Brothers, Big Sisters program in Decatur, enjoys traveling, cheering on the Iowa State Cyclones, and making and selling homemade pickles.
Jones is excited to serve the communities of Macon County and welcomes community members to connect with her.