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Blog Posts

Norway Maple
Read article: Morton Public Library Tree Walk
Morton Public Library Tree Walk
The Morton Public Library has a diverse collection of trees planted on the library property. ...
eastern bluebird with caterpillar
Read article: Field notes from the bluebird trail
Field notes from the bluebird trail
By Joe Huether, Illinois Extension Master Naturalist serving Fulton, Mason, Peoria, and Tazewell countiesFor as long as I can remember, I’ve...
landscaping with native plants
Read article: Conservation@Home Member Spotlight: Laura Hertz
Conservation@Home Member Spotlight: Laura Hertz
By Laura Hertz, Illinois Extension Master Gardener serving Fulton, Mason, Peoria, and Tazewell countiesIn 2018, I became aware of the...
A man and a woman stand in a boat holding long pole nets to capture stunned fish
Read article: Master Naturalists put research into action around the state and in your backyard
Master Naturalists put research into action around the state and in your backyard
What is a Master Naturalist? We get that question a lot at University of Illinois Extension. Master...

News Releases

Master gardener logo on bright green background
Master Gardener Training in Stephenson County
The University of Illinois Extension is excited to announce the upcoming Master Gardener Training in Stephenson County, starting in February. Interested individuals can register now by calling (815) 235-4125 or...
