Financial Planning for Young Adults (FPYA), developed in partnership with the CFP Board, is designed to introduce basic financial planning concepts for young adults. The FPYA course is organized across eight separate modules within a 4-week window. Topics covered include financial goal setting, saving and investing, budgeting, financial risk, borrowing, and credit. Because financial planning is such a personal topic, you will be encouraged to define your financial goals and objectives while we discuss concepts and provide tools that can be applied to help you reach those goals.
Within each module, you will view a combination of traditional lecture-style videos and video vignettes introducing financial topics for discussion among participants. The video vignettes provide a unique and exciting component to this course. Each vignette introduces a real-world scenario where financial decisions must be made, and financial planning concepts can be applied. You will be challenged to think critically about each scenario and decide how you might come to a resolution if ever faced with a similar situation. Finally, the course also includes material focused on career opportunities in financial planning, including video interviews with actual CFP® professionals and other professionals working in this exciting and growing career area. The final module in the class is devoted to financial planning as a career.