News Releases

Blooming goldenrod on a hot summer day.
To survive the summer heat, choose plants built for the sizzle
URBANA, Ill. — Summer can be a scorcher, but by selecting the right plants, a landscape can still look sultry all summer long.Both trialed and native plants can tolerate the heat. Trial plants are evaluated throughout the season for heat tolerance and can be planted in the ground or...
A blueprint drawing of a brain floating above a hand and a bowl of healthy foods.
Illinois Extension offers tips to boost your brainpower
DANVILLE, Ill — Looking to sharpen your mind and boost your brainpower? This double-feature event tackles both cognitive health and nutrition! Illinois Extension's Family Life and Nutrition and Wellness Teams are bringing an...
High senior individuals pose with banners.
Youth master essential skills through livestock judging competition
Urbana, Ill. -- Illinois 4-H members headed to the showring for the 2024 State Livestock Judging Contest held at the University of Illinois campus Jun. 17. Instead of leading animals, these young members were acting as judge, evaluating groupings of cattle, hogs, and sheep against a...
Take care of your trees with summer Forestry Stewardship Series
URBANA, Ill. — Illinois has 4.8 million acres of tree-covered land. From shading homes and feeding wildlife to producing oxygen and filtering water, trees do a lot of heavy lifting. Give them a hand by discovering innovative, research-based management options in the summer Forestry...
A girl sitting in the driver's seat of a tractor as others gather around the tractor.
4-H Cloverbuds bloom at Cloverbud Camp
ONARGA, Ill — 46 curious Cloverbuds from Ford and Iroquois Counties got a taste of “Big Kid 4-H” from 27 teenage 4-Hers from the Emerging Leaders SPIN Club at Cloverbud Camp on June 5, 2024, at the Ford-Iroquois Counties Extension Office. This fun-filled day featured everything from dog...
A monarch butterfly on a yellow-eyed Susan flower bloom.
Provide resources to pollinators in any space with container gardens
URBANA, Ill. — Supporting pollinators has become increasingly important as concerns over pollinator population decline are more evident. The good news is that even small spaces can provide resources for bees, butterflies, and other pollinators. Container gardens are one solution for...
A ruby-throated hummingbird visiting a purple blazing prairie star plant.
Gardening for a hummingbird's travels
URBANA, Ill. — Hummingbirds are unlike any other bird. Spanning the Americas with over 330 species, hummingbirds belong to Trochilidae, the second-largest bird family in the world. However, only the ruby-throated hummingbird (Archilochus colubris) inhabits the Midwest....
a group of people stand in a circle in a field surrounded by trees listening to someone speak from the back of a truck
Growing Extension forestry team speaks for the trees
URBANA, Ill. — Oaks, elms, hickories, and other trees cover Illinois in a tapestry of forests and woodlands that shade homes and parks, shelter and feed wildlife, produce oxygen, and stabilize soil. Trees once covered more than a third of Illinois, but now that number is halved and disease,...
John Bodensteiner sitting next to a microphone listening to someone offscreen.
Master Gardener and radio mainstay celebrates 30 years
DANVILLE, Ill. — John Bodensteiner sits down at the microphone in the studio of 1490 WDAN. He checks his notes and talks with his co-host, fellow Master Gardener Kristy Herr-Bartos, and their producer, Landon. They share laughs and talk as they wonder if a...