News Releases

Four Seasons Gardening webinars return in 2021
URBANA, Ill. – The University of Illinois Extension Four Seasons Gardening series will return in 2021 with three monthly webinars starting in January. Horticulture educators will lead seasons on winter fruit tree pruning, the therapeutic value of nature and adaptive gardening to...
Get ready for spring with Gardening in the Air
URBANA, Ill. – Keep your green thumb ready for the growing season with the return of Gardening in the Air in 2021. Gardening in the Air is a virtual 18-session series on Jan. 30 and Feb. 6 co-hosted by University of Illinois...
Extension consumer economics team honored
URBANA, Ill. – Two University of Illinois Extension consumer economics educators were recognized by the Association for Financial Counseling and Planning Education for...
Grow great vegetables with beginner gardening webinar series
URBANA, Ill. – The spring of 2020 saw a surge of gardeners taking up the trowel for the first time to try their hand at growing vegetables. This year come prepared with Growing Great Vegetables, a seven-week webinar series covering the basics of starting a vegetable garden start to finish led by...
Illinois Extension hosts annual update on new legislation impacts
URBANA, Ill. – Yearly changes in state legislation can bring significant impacts to communities throughout Illinois. To help local officials understand expectations and prepare for potential budget changes, University of Illinois Extension hosts...
Livestock managers may complete certification on Extension website
URBANA, Ill – According to the Livestock Management Facilities Act, livestock facilities in Illinois that house more than 300 animal units are required to have at least one certified livestock manager. The certificate is administered by the Illinois Department of Agriculture and is valid...
Every day is a good day for environmental stewardship
URBANA, Ill. – The environment impacts daily life. From planning for the day's weather to stewarding natural resources, there's a part of everyone to play. Small changes in daily lifestyle choices can have a positive impact on the environment....