


Central Illinois Nutrition Security Summit

County: Fulton, Mason, Peoria, Tazewell, Livingston, McLean, Woodford

HEAL - Food System Partners is excited to announce that the registration for the Central Illinois Nutrition Security Summit is NOW OPEN! 

Find out more info & register today – bit.…

Marketing Rural Tourism

Central Illinois
County: Fulton, Mason, Peoria, Tazewell, Woodford, Knox, Stark, Marshall, Henry
Program AudienceMembers of tourism organizations and their volunteers as well as anyone interested in learning how to market their local and regional tourist attractions and recreational assets

4-H Leaders and Club Officers Training

County: Fulton, Mason, Peoria, Tazewell

This is a great time for 4-H leaders and club officers to:

connect with other leaders outside your countygain some tips and tricks for having fun and effective meetingslearn ways to engage your…

Gardening in the Air Virtual Symposium

Learn new skills to help make dream gardening projects a reality. 

To be successful, a gardener needs to manage a range of factors and elements that make up the art of gardening. Extension…

Business Structure Basics

Legal Training for Illinois Small Farms Webinar Series
Choosing a business structure is building a farm for the future. 

In the first session of the Legal Training for Illinois Small Farm webinar series, producers will learn how to apply…

Tazewell 4-H Federation Meeting

County: Tazewell

Become a leader in the Tazewell County 4-H community by joining Federation! This is a county-wide 4-H club open to 4-H members who are in 8th grade and above. This group will meet throughout the…



4-H Junior Leadership Conference

Register now!

The Illinois 4-H Junior Leadership Conference (JLC) is a fun-filled event that provides junior high 4-H members (7th & 8th grades) a look into opportunities in Illinois 4-H and…

Peoria 4-H Leaders Meeting

County: Peoria

The agenda for the 4-H leaders meeting includes:

Program updatesHelping members find their sparkProject helpers

Dinner is provided.

Create Winter Terrariums

Four Seasons Gardening Webinar Series
Give the gift of care and growth by building terrariums. 

Terrariums are wonderful accents for a home all year round, especially during the holidays and into winter. Live plants in a terrarium…

Farmland Owners Conference

Owning farmland comes with added responsibility and questions. 

Many moving pieces go into owning land. Ownership can often create questions and become stressful and overwhelming for the…