Amur Bush Honeysuckle, Lonicera maacki, is a widespread invasive across the Midwest. This shrub grows quickly and starts growing before native plants in the spring, giving it a competitive advantage, and seeds are easily spread by birds. Bush honeysuckle describes a family of shrub-like honeysuckles. The most common invasive honeysuckles in Illinois are Tartarian (Lonicera tatarica), Amur (L. maacki), and Morrow (L. morrow).
Amur Bush Honeysuckle Damage
Amur honeysuckle is a bush honeysuckle that forms dense thickets. It displaces native vegetation and makes it difficult for species that require a lot of light to survive in the understory. It leafs out early in the spring before other plants green up, allowing it to compete for resources earlier than other plants.