You can help prevent the spread of invasive species
Once invasive species have a foothold, they can be hard to remove, so prevention and early detection and response is key. Everyone has a role in slowing the spread of invasive species.
Landowners and managers
- Monitor for invasive species regularly: Actively survey for invasive species whenever in the woods. Monitor along edges, creeks, trails, and in disturbed areas. Mark plant locations with a map app or flags.
- Work with neighboring property owners: Discuss concerns about invasives with neighboring property owners and plan to work together to manage them.
- Avoid sharing landscape plants with other gardeners and source plants from trusted nurseries.
- Do not plant invasive species.
- Control invasive species early.
Visitors to natural areas
- Clean shoes and gear between sites: Shoes, clothing, animals, gear, vehicle tires, and boats.
- Report sightings: Stay up to date on invasive species in your area. Report sightings through the EDDMaps app or online.
- Volunteer to help remove invasive species at a local natural area.
- Do not move firewood and do not harvest plants, such as roadside weeds, if you do not know what they are.
- Do not release exotic pets.