News Releases

A field of hemp
Midwestern hemp database applications open until July 24
URBANA, Ill. – Industrial hemp is one of the fasting growing crops across Midwestern fields and researchers are recruiting producers in the race to learn more. University of Illinois Extension commercial agriculture educators are working...
a group of kids holding up awards
Livestock judging helps youth improve local herds
URBANA, Ill. – Illinois 4-H members headed to the showring for the 2022 State Livestock Judging Contest held at the University of Illinois campus on June 20. Instead of leading animals, these young members were acting as judge, evaluating groupings of cattle, hogs, and sheep against a standard...
Illinois Extension wordmark
Funds available to districts to replace school buses
URBANA, Ill. – Federal funding is now available for replacing older dirty school buses with cleaner vehicles, including electric school buses. University of Illinois Extension and Prairie Rivers Network are collaborating on a free online webinar...
Illinois Extension wordmark
Cover crops not enough to improve soil after decades of continuous corn
  URBANA, Ill. – Although about 20% of Illinois cropping systems are planted to continuous corn, it’s nearly impossible to find fields planted this way for decades at a time. Yet long-term experiments like one at the University of Illinois, including over 40 years of continuous corn...
A large magnolia tree
Magnolia blooms, beetles are nature’s spring flower odd couple
URBANA, Ill. – Every spring, magnolia trees across the Midwestern landscape offer some of the most spectacular flowering displays of any woody plant. These beautiful ornamental trees, native to Asia, are some of the first landscape plants in our area to deliver such a showy display; truly one of...
A group of people in front of bat boxes
Bat box design, placement matter for energy balance in endangered bats
URBANA, Ill. – Imagine if you had to catch every bite of your dinner with your mouth, while flying, in the dark. You’d be exhausted, and probably pretty hungry. Though some bats go for sedentary insects, most catch their food on the wing every single night. Let that sink in. Because they...
A close up of a hand holding a trowl
Scale up your garden’s health with fish emulsion fertilizer
URBANA, Ill. – Over the years, there has been a growing demand for organic-based fertilizers to use in the garden and landscaping. There are of course ways to manufacture these organic fertilizers, but what if we could use a byproduct of the manufacture of a different product? It is an efficient...
a group of women holding up awards
4-H youth honored for career achievements at awards ceremony
URBANA, Ill. – 4-H youth across the state were honored for their career achievements in the 4-H program at the 4-H Celebration of Excellence held April 9. The State 4-H Experience Award offers recognition for members who took part in activities and events in the...
An open field with sunlight
Test field scouting skills with high school Crop Scouting Competition
URBANA, Ill. – A farmer knowing how corn or soybean crops are progressing or being able to identify an insect can mean the difference between a profitable harvest and a bad year. The youth Illinois Crop Scouting Competition puts teams of agriculture students to the test. This hands-on contest in...
Digging into soil data helps inform green infrastructure design
URBANA, Ill. – Managing stormwater has become more challenging as urban development increases, storms get bigger and sewer systems can’t keep up. Illinois-Indiana Sea Grant funded a University of Illinois project to help communities add green stormwater infrastructure (GSI) to their strategies...