News Releases

New crop scouting competition tests student field skills
URBANA, Ill. – In a corn or soybean field, knowing how crops are progressing or being able to identify an insect can mean the difference between a profitable harvest and a bad year. The first-ever Illinois Crop Scouting Competition is a one-day on-campus contest in August that tests...
Edible wild mushrooms are more than just your next meal
URBANA, Ill. – Every spring, enthusiastic woodland hunters scour forests across Illinois in search of an elusive and delectable fungi, the morel. Determined foragers delight in the thrill of harvesting wild morel mushrooms, Morchella spp, that can’t be bought at a grocery...
Local redistricting process will redefine politics in Illinois
URBANA, Ill. - After the 2020 census, every state, including Illinois, will create new electoral maps, redrawing district lines for state legislators. States with more than one U.S. representative, likewise, revise their congressional district maps using a variety of legislative procedures...
Get rid of weeds and insects at home without pesticides
URBANA, Ill. – It finally happened; your garden’s first tomato is ready to harvest. Bright red and plump, you can practically taste it, but on closer inspection someone already has. Do you dig out the trusty bottle of insecticide? Not so fast, says...
Bring office plants neglected during pandemic back to life
URBANA, Ill. – When people walked out of their workplaces last March, most did not think it would be months or even a year before they would come back.   As employees continue to return to in-person work, they might find themselves facing...
From hunt to plate, make a tasty dish of your wild game
URBANA, Ill. – Illinois hunters support the health of ecosystems, conservation efforts, and local economies. Successful hunts also provide lean, local protein for families and communities. University of Illinois Extension...
Extension offices fill connectivity gaps
URBANA, Ill. –The COVID-19 pandemic accentuated what was already known about digital connectivity: millions of American don’t have access to high-speed internet; many of those are in rural communities. Children attending daily virtual learning, coupled with adults working from home and...
hemp field
Hemp research a win-win for new Midwestern crop
URBANA, Ill. – Industrial hemp is one of the fasting growing crops across Midwestern fields and researchers are recruiting producers in the race to learn more.  University of Illinois Extension commercial agriculture educators are...