Want to take your garden to the next level? Starting a new bed? Plan before you plant!
This Master Gardener-led program will teach you basic principles, general considerations, and helpful tips for flower bed and garden design. At the end of the session, you will have time to start designing your garden with assistance from Master Gardeners and Extension staff.
Who: Adults
When: Friday, March 22 from 10-11:30 a.m.
Where: DuPage County Extension Office, 1100 E. Warrenville Road, Naperville
Registration open now! Space is limited.
Cost: $5 per person
Free for active Master Gardeners and Master Naturalists. Contact the program coordinator for the Continuing Education coupon code.
Questions? Contact Maddie Olivieri-Rangel, Program Coordinator at molivran@illinois.edu or 630-955-1123