The Bi-State team brought together an elite group of speakers for this year's Gardening conference. Take a look at this schedule and get registered today!
Schedule of events:
10:30 AM to 11:15 AM - Catch My Drift: Understanding Spray Drift and Its Impact on Plants and the Environment
Heather Miller, Program Coordinator and Instructor, University of Illinois School of Earth, Society and Environment
Description: Pesticide drift has become more prevalent in both urban and rural areas with impacts on row crops, residential landscapes, trees, pollinators and natural areas. This presentation will cover the factors that contribute to pesticide drift, keys to minimizing the impacts of pesticides on sensitive areas, and what to do if you suspect drift. Various examples of actual spray drift impacts will be shared by the presenter.
11:15am to 12:00pm - Beyond Glyphosate: Exploring Effective Alternatives
Kyle Daniels, Nursery & Landscape Outreach Specialist, Purdue University
Description: Glyphosate has been a staple for weed control for several decades. Due to high-profile lawsuits and media attention, some people have reduced, or eliminated, glyphosate from their weed control toolbox. This presentation will
explore effective options for replacing glyphosate in landscape weed control.
12:00pm to 12:45pm - Lunch
12:45pm to 1:30pm - Pests in the Green Industry and Beyond
Will Drews, Nursery Inspector and Compliance Officer, Indiana DNR
Description: Join Will Drews, Nursery Inspector and Compliance Officer for the IDNR Division of Entomology and Plant Pathology, as he discusses some of the major nursery pests spotted in 2024, pests to watch out for in 2025, and some of
the other regulated pest issues the DNR Division of Entomology and PlantPathology has been addressing recently.
$30 - Cash or check taken at the door on the day of the event covers the full day of meetings and meal.
Registration closes Thursday, Jan. 9
Questions? Contact Phillip Cox at 765-762-5335 or cox119@purdue.edu