News Releases

Youth invited to join Junior Master Naturalist program
Does your child enjoy the outdoors, playing, and learning more about the natural world? Then the Junior Master Naturalist program is the perfect way for your 9 – 12-year-old to explore and discover nature. University of Illinois Extension Junior Master Naturalist program provides science...
Give someone a green holiday season with the gift of plants
URBANA, Ill. – If picking the perfect holiday gift stresses you out, this year visit your local garden center for a natural gift that keeps on giving. Gardening and growing plants is an experiential gift that is both rewarding and fun. If you are gifting a plant this season, remember to...
gardening tools and dirt
Indoor gardening can brighten winter doldrums
URBANA, Ill. – Dreading the long cold months of winter? Create a green space indoors with plants. Historically, plants have been used for their medicinal properties. Growing movements like horticulture therapy use plants for their healing properties, individual health, and well-being....
Support youth mental health with first aid workshop
PEKIN, Ill. - One in five teens and young adults lives with a mental health condition according to the National Alliance for Mental Illness and 5.13% of youth report having a substance use or alcohol problem according to Mental Health America. Adults sometimes forget how hard it...
allen barton, professor Human Development and Family Studies Illinois
Study shows the power of 'thank you' for couples
CHAMPAIGN, Ill. — Gratitude has been a trendy sentiment in recent years – sparking an industry of journals, knickknacks, and T-shirts touting thankfulness as a positive force in individuals’ lives. New research suggests that gratitude from one’s partner may be a powerful tool for couples...
ice on trees
Protect trees from winter’s wrath with a few preventive steps
URBANA, Ill. – Winter is hard on trees. Wind, ice, and cold temperatures can harm trees through sunscald, branch-breaking ice loads, or winter burn on evergreens. Taking preventative measures in the fall can help minimize winter injury to trees in the landscape. Boxwood, arborvitae, and...
Eastern (top) and Western (bottom) Banded Killifish. The Eastern subspecies may be edging out the Western fish in its native range.
Illinois report says native fish overlooked as invaders in U.S. waters
URBANA, Ill. – Rivers split across mountaintops and other geographic barriers may flow only a few miles from one another, but to the aquatic creatures in those waters, the separation could represent millions of years of evolutionary time. So, when an angler or a curious child moves a fish from...
No matter how you slice them, apples are a fall favorite
URBANA, Ill. – Brisk, fall weather brings crowds of Illinoisans to apple orchards to enjoy the crisp, juicy flavor of their favorite in-season apples.  “Whether fried, dipped in peanut butter or caramel, made into cider, or baked into a pie, apples are a delicious, sweet treat,” says...
garden tools
To get in touch with nature, create a sensory garden
URBANA, Ill. – For centuries, gardens have provided a unique bridge between humans and the natural world. Gardens were viewed by many cultures as a “reflection of heaven on earth.” Today, most gardens are considered landscape projects. But sensory gardens, with their engaging sights, sounds,...