News Releases

group of 4-H volunteers honored
Outstanding volunteers honored at State Fair ceremony
SPRINGFIELD, Ill. – Outstanding 4-H volunteers were celebrated as part of the 2022 class of the Illinois 4-H Hall of Fame at a ceremony held as part of the 4-H General Project Show at the Illinois State Fair...
4-H logo
Illinois 4-H invites alumni to join 4-H history project
URBANA, Ill. – Illinois 4-H is proud of the rich history of 4-H and the network of 4-H alums near and far. Alums of the Illinois 4-H program share a unique bond with over 25 million Americans across the country. Illinois 4-H has launched a new initiative for the Illinois 4-H History...
Teacher Tuesdays offers STEAM Resource Fair for educators
Good educators are some of the most valuable assets in our community. For years, Teacher Tuesdays has sought to provided support, encouragement, and connection to these educators. This year, Teacher Tuesdays will kick off its series of engaging workshops and professional development...
Little bluestem is a native prairie grass with beauty in all four seasons, including excellent fall color.
Native prairie grasses create distinct, breezy aesthetic in home landscape
URBANA, Ill. — Nothing beats the light and airy look of tall, distinctive grasses in a landscape arrangement. The fluffy seedheads and slender, attractive stems practically dance in the wind on breezy days, adding texture as well as a structural element to any landscape bed.   ...
beef cattle in field
Make informed decisions for your beef herd
BAYLIS, Ill., – Producers weigh management options to build profitable cattle herds. Researchers at this year's Orr Beef Research Center Field Day will review several management practices to consider. The field at begins at 5:30 p.m. Thursday, Sept. 1 at the Ag Sciences Complex and Fred...
4-H offers family fun day at Dickson Mounds
Though summer is ending, there’s still plenty of time to venture outdoors to enjoy the warm weather – and 4-H can help! The 4-H Outdoor Adventure Family Fun Day on Sat, Aug. 27 will provide an opportunity for families to have fun and explore nature together. Special presenters will offer hands-...
poison vines
Leaves of three? Keep poison ivy out of the home landscape
URBANA, Ill. — Experienced gardeners know where poison ivy is likely to be in the home landscape and newer gardeners will likely learn fast. Without knowing poison ivy is in the yard, it is all too easy to get the oils on your hands and clothing while clearing beds of otherwise harmless weeds...
Pumpkin Field Day poster
More than 80 pumpkin varieties to be featured at Field Day
URBANA, Ill. – Commercial pumpkin growers can enhance production practices at the upcoming University of Illinois Extension Pumpkin Field Day. The event begins at 10 a.m. Sept. 1 at Eckert’s Orchard near Belleville. Register by Aug. 29...
dill pickles
Overwhelmed by garden produce? Pickle it!
URBANA, Ill. – Sour, sweet, bread and butter, Kosher dills, spears, chips, or slices on a sandwich, or as a snack or side dish – pickles are everywhere. For home gardeners with an abundance of cucumbers and other produce, pickling is a great way to preserve your bounty. While cucumbers...
Large elephant leaf plants
Create backyard paradise with tropical plant garden
URBANA, Ill. – Summer may be the season for vacations, but if you can’t get away create your own backyard paradise with a tropical plant garden. Tropical plants can be planted in the ground or in containers and overwintered inside. Treat tropical plants as annuals in the Illinois...
New commodity market training inspired by Annie's Project
LEWISTOWN, Ill - Cathy Ekstrand a senior market advisor with Total Farm Marketing, will be teaching a two night course on Commodity Marketing Basics on Wednesday, August 3 and following up with hands on application on August 10, 6-8 pm at University of Illinois Extension, Fulton ...
A close up of tomatoes growing off the vine
Tips to harvest garden vegetables at peak quality, flavor
URBANA, Ill. –  Whether you started your first garden this year or are a veteran grower, we’re coming up on the heart of harvest season. One of the advantages of homegrown vegetables is that you can harvest produce at its peak quality and flavor. But knowing when to harvest a crop...
two people sitting in chairs fishing
Youth have 'reel' fun in June contest
  URBANA, Ill. – Illinois youth headed to the great outdoors to participate in the statewide 4-H Hooks Us Together Virtual Fishing Channel Catfish Challenge in June. This was the culminating event for the spring contest. Hunter Stevens of Saline County was a top...