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Champaign County Master Gardeners' "Garden Gatherings" Attracts Over 1,000 Visitors

Garden Walk 2024 engraved rock placed in a garden

Champaign, IL - The Champaign County Master Gardeners' annual Garden Walk, "Garden Gatherings," was a blooming success on Saturday, June 15th, attracting over 1,000 garden enthusiasts.

The self-guided tour showcased five Champaign County homeowners' stunning private gardens, the Idea Garden, and the University of Illinois Pollinatarium. Guests explored a diverse range of landscapes, from colorful pollinator pockets to bountiful vegetable patches and calming zen-inspired spaces.

Master Gardener volunteers were stationed at each location to showcase the unique features of the gardens, share their horticultural expertise, and offer tips for cultivating flourishing gardens.

"We were thrilled with the turnout this year," said Mary Knight, a Champaign County Master Gardener and Garden Walk organizer. "It's always a joy to see so many people come together to celebrate the beauty of gardening and support our community projects and local vendors at the marketplace. 

The Marketplace at Idea Garden serves as a central hub for the event; this year, 8 new vendors were added to their total. Visitors could find a wide variety of garden-themed goods, from unique plants and handcrafted pottery to hand-poured soaps and locally produced honey. For a unique, hands-on experience, one vendor offered visitors the chance to create custom glass pendants on-site, which 8-year-old Ezra Jefferson says was her favorite part of the event. “I liked picking out the colored glass sticks and then watching them melt together to make my necklace,” said Jefferson. 

Glass art was just one of the exciting things youth could participate in during the day. The Idea Garden’s Children’s Garden is always a favorite for budding horticulturalists. This year, kids got their hands dirty planting a seedling to take home with them, a scavenger hunt had them exploring all corners of the garden, and a fairy garden added a touch of whimsy to the day. Outside of the Idea Garden, the Pollinatarium also offered fun activities for kids, including crafting pollinator keychains out of beads and examining bee wings under a microscope. 

"It's important to us that the Garden Walk is a welcoming event for the whole family," shared DiAnne Hatch, a Champaign County Master Gardener and Garden Walk organizer. "Seeing the joy on the children's faces as they explore the Children's Garden, plant seedlings, or observe live bees in a hive is always a highlight for me.”

Regarding the event's significance, Ryan Pankau, University of Illinois Extension Horticultural Educator, emphasized, "The Garden Walk is more than just a beautiful day out in spectacular local gardens. It's a crucial fundraiser allowing us to give back to our community in meaningful ways.”

Proceeds from ticket sales benefit the Champaign County Master Gardeners' initiatives, including gardens at the Champaign County Crisis Nursery, the Idea Garden, and Ying Ying's Garden.

Plans for next year's Garden Walk, set for June 21, 2025, are already in development. “Our fellow Master Gardeners begin scouting gardens to feature as much as two and three years in advance, so the homeowners have plenty of time to prepare for the event,” adds Master Gardener and Garden Walk organizer Gail Kennedy. “We seek out landscapes that offer something unique or educational as well as aesthetically pleasing to ensure next year's tour is just as captivating.”

To find out more about Master Gardener events in your area or information on becoming a Master Gardener, visit

About Champaign County Master Gardeners: Since 1992, nearly 600 Champaign County residents have completed Master Gardener training and contribute more than 11,000 hours annually to Champaign County. Master Gardener volunteers sincerely desire to learn and share home horticulture information, have practical experience or knowledge of gardening, and want to impact the community positively.

About Extension

Illinois Extension leads public outreach for University of Illinois by translating research into action plans that allow Illinois families, businesses, and community leaders to solve problems, make informed decisions, and adapt to changes and opportunities. Illinois Extension is part of the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign College of Agricultural, Consumer and Environmental Sciences.