Proper care techniques contribute to a longer, healthier life for trees throughout our communities.
Trees are a beautiful and vital part of our communities, providing many long-term benefits to the public. Routine maintenance and proper care techniques contribute to a longer, healthier life.
Many who care for trees are not certified arborists but carry out similar work as the profession. Community Tree Care is a hybrid series of training opportunities for individuals performing tree care work looking to build on their knowledge.
Participants include certified arborists as well as public and private tree care professionals, municipal or county groundskeeping staff, community volunteers, and anyone interested in expanding their tree care knowledge. This hybrid training provides webinars and workshop opportunities providing information and resources for communities to ensure proper tree care, minimize the risk of hazardous trees, and promote healthy community forests.
Participants can attend one or all sessions of the series. Webinars are $10 each, and in-person workshops are $20 with registration required. Illinois Arborist Association continued education units are available to those who qualify.