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Meet a STEAM Professional - Insects

Event Date(s)
Zoom online platform

Are you a middle school student interested in a fun and educational STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Math) activity?

Are you curious about what different careers in the STEAM field are really like? 

Then this virtual series is for you! Join us each week as we visit with local STEAM professionals. 

Register online.

Topics to be explored include:

July 1: Medicine and Anatomy with Shannon Egli, JUMP Simulation Center

July 8: Music-the Arts in Education with Mary Papich, music educator

July 15: Engineering with Ursula Towne, Caterpillar and Society of Women Engineers

July 22: Careers with the Arts and Animals with Jenn Gordon, Executive Director of Arts Partners of Central Illinois and Adrienne Baurer, Wildlife Prairie Park, Education and Programming Director

July 29: Insects: How can we stop them from bugging us with Erica Goett, NCAUR (National Center for Agricultural Utilization Research)

Zoom online platform

Please register by the Monday previous to each Wednesday event. Zoom invitations and passcodes will be sent out via email on the morning of the Zoom call.


Emily Schoenfelder, 4-H Youth Development Educator,

Judy Schmidt, 4-H Metro Youth Development Educator,

Program Areas