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Teacher Tuesdays - Digital Literacy

Event Date(s)
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St. Philomena School

Teacher Tuesdays – Make, Play, Connect

-a networking event to spur ideas that teachers can test in their classrooms

Teacher Tuesdays is a networking event designed to foster peer-to-peer support for learning. Building a learning community around Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Math (STEAM)Education for our region.

February Teacher Tuesdays - Digital Literacy with Deanna King

This month's event features some amazing STEM activities and resources related to digital literacy with Deanna King in her STEM room, science lab, and math room.


Other Teacher Tuesdays events:

Tuesday, January 10, 5 pm- Health Career Pathways at Jump Simulation.  Have students interested in health careers, but not sure how to get them connected? Come explore health career pathways at JUMP Simulation Center. This state-of-the-art facility is not open to the public, so take advantage of this great opportunity to learn more about the use of simulation in healthcare training - and how your students can get more involved!

Tuesday, March 7, 5 pm – STEM Career Exploration and Community Engagement panel discussion at Bradley University.  Join a panel of teachers and educators from the area who have participated in our past summer STEM programming “teacher tracks”.  Learn about ways they have incorporated STEM Career Exploration and Community Engagement in their classroom and also how they access resources in the community.

Please register by the Monday previous to each Tuesday event. 


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