News Releases

4-H webinar aims to help children stay safe while home alone
PEKIN, Ill. - This year, the virtual and hybrid learning models adopted by many schools may cause some students to stay home alone while their parents go back to work. “Staying Safe at Home” is a new, virtual program offered by University...
Virtual and in-person tours available for annual pumpkin field day
URBANA, Ill. – From jack-o’-lanterns to gourds, University of Illinois Extension has research updates on all things pumpkin. Since 2014, Illinois Extension staff conduct agricultural field trials regularly to compare yields of different pumpkin varieties grown under realistic conditions...
Choose drought tolerant plants for homeowners
URBANA, Ill. - It can be a challenge to choose plants that will survive Illinois’ changing weather patterns. "While we can go inside and enjoy the air conditioning, our plants don’t have the same luxury," says Gemini Bhalsod...
4-Hers continue to exhibit mastery of skills in virtual show
HAVANA, Ill. - Mason County 4-Hers did not let the cancelation of the regular 4-H Show stop them from exhibiting their 4-H projects with the same pride and skill development as they have shown in the past. Thanks to the hard work, creative thinking, and ingenuity of the University of Illinois...
Fulton County 4-H General Show held virtually
University of Illinois Extension’s Fulton County 4-H General Show was held virtually this year, as concerns remain about having large groups of people together safely. 4-H members were asked to send in photos of their projects (or videos or power point presentations) and a project report that...
seed packet
Do not plant seeds of unknown origins
URBANA, Ill. – Mystery packages with unidentified seeds have shown up in mailboxes across the U.S. over the past week. University of Illinois Extension horticulture experts urge people to never plant unidentified seeds. The U.S. Department of Agriculture is...
The Gardening Helpline: an Extension tradition going strong
PEKIN, Ill. - The nationwide Extension Master Gardener (EMG) program began in 1972 when the Washington State Horticulturalist recruited and trained volunteers to help him answer the high volume of calls from the public about gardening. From there the program expanded in scope and grew across the...
Learn what motivates public service employees
URBANA, Ill. – Understanding what motivates public service employees may influence how community leaders recruit, train, retain, and inspire staff to elevate performance, retention, and morale while reducing human resource costs. ...
Reduce your risk of diabetes with proper nutrition
URBANA, Ill. – More than one in three adults have prediabetes, according to the Centers for Disease Control, and many don’t know it. People with prediabetes have higher than normal blood glucose levels, which raise the risk of heart disease and stroke, as well as type 2 diabetes. ...