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Farm Safety Day Camp Held

University of Illinois Extension, serving Fulton, Mason, Peoria, and Tazewell Counties and Farm Bureau in Fulton and Mason Counties sponsored the annual Farm Safety Day Camp on Friday, June 21, at the Fulton County Fairgrounds in Lewistown. This was done with the support of several area businesses and organizations, including Spoon River Electric's Round-Up Program. This event was offered to area youth, free of charge.

 This event is held every year, alternating between Fulton County and Mason County as host sites. Organizers believe that all children should learn about farm safety, whether they live on a farm or perhaps visit friends or relatives who live in a rural setting. Several of the topics covered included things not just specific to farm safety.

Topics included Livestock Safety, Weather Safety, Machinery Safety, Fire Safety, Personal Safety, Digging and Electrical Safety, First Aid, and Chemical Safety. The event dismissed early because of an impending storm, so the finale had to be called off. About 25 adults and teens helped that day as group leaders.

Approximately 125 youth and 75 adults attended this event. Lunch was prepared by Farm Bureau and 4-H volunteers from Fulton and Mason Counties.

Every youth who attended received a free T-shirt, to remind them of the day and some things they learned.