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Fulton 4-H Shooting Sports to hold spring session

group of 4-H members and leaders

LEWISTOWN, Ill. - University of Illinois Extension announces that the Fulton County 4-H Shooting Sports Program will begin its spring session on April 6, 2025. Registration materials are available online at, by scanning the QR code, or by calling the Fulton County Extension Office at 547-3711.

The major emphasis of 4-H Shooting Sports is safety while handling firearms. Respect, character building, and accuracy of shooting are also components.

Air Rifle and Archery are open to youth aged 8-18 as of 9/1/24. Shotgun and Smallbore (.22) Rifle are open to youth aged 10-18 as of 9/1/24. .22 Caliber Pistol is open to youth aged 12-18 as of 9/1/24. 

There is a program fee (once per 4-H year) of $20 due from each participant, and a supply fee ($10 for Air Rifle, $10 for .22 Caliber Pistol, $30 for Smallbore .22, $15 for Archery, the Shotgun supply fee is paid by the Dale Lascelles memorial). 4-H program fees are paid annually and cover involvement in all 4-H clubs. Shooting Sports supply fees are paid for each discipline and each spring/fall session. 4-H Program Fees paid to University of Illinois. Supply Fees paid to Fulton 4-H Shooting Sports club. If you need assistance with the fees, contact the Extension Office at 547-3711. Class sizes are limited. How to register - youth will need to enroll in ZSuite at complete the medical form and submit the supply fee payment. Enrollment in ZSuite, payment, and the medical form are due by April 1. The medical form is available on our website, or you may call to have one mailed to you (547-3711) or pick one up in person at the U of I Extension office in Lewistown. All requirements must be completed to secure a class spot.

Fulton County 4-H Shooting Sports has set the following dates for the Spring 2025 session for all disciplines: April 6, 13, & 27; May 4, 18, & 25.

Air Rifle sessions start at 1 p.m., at 613 West Avenue H in Lewistown.

.22 Caliber Pistol and Smallbore (.22) Rifle and shoots will be held at the Lee Roy Knuppel farm, east of Canton. Pistol starts at 1 p.m., and Smallbore Rifle will be held at 2 p.m.

Archery shoots start at 3 p.m. at 16128 N Peanut Ridge Road in rural Lewistown.

Shotgun shoots are held at Jacob’s Field located at 20516 E Co Hwy 22, Canton and begin at 4 p.m. 

If weather causes cancellations for any discipline, additional dates will be set. 

Eye and ear protection will be provided. The enrollment deadline is April 1, or earlier if certain disciplines become full. Spots are filled on a first come, first-served basis. 

There is a Mandatory Safety Meeting on April 2, at 6:30 p.m., at the University of Illinois Extension Fulton County Office.

Fulton County has eight certified instructors and one certified coordinator. These nine individuals have attended state training to become certified. Nick Schisler is the coordinator, and the instructors are Terry Cremer (Air Rifle), Craig Hand (Air Rifle & Shotgun), Ellie Nolan (Air Rifle, Archery, & Shotgun), Brad Robinson (Archery), Jaysen Delpierre (Archery), Louis Gray (Archery), LeeRoy Knuppel (Shotgun, Pistol, and Smallbore .22), and Lonnie VanPelt (Shotgun). There are also screened and trained assistants, who provide support to the instructors.

Volunteers are welcome to apply to become certified instructors or trained assistants. Call the Extension Office at 547-3711 for more information. 

All interested youth are urged to enroll in ZSuite, download the materials and get them submitted, or call the Extension Office at 547-3711 for further assistance.

Partial support from the NRA Foundation, National Wild Turkey Federation, Whitetails Unlimited, and private donors provide equipment and grants, which helps introduce shooting sports safety to Fulton County 4-H youth.

If you are a person who needs reasonable accommodation to participate in this program, contact Krista Gray at University of Illinois Extension, Fulton County Office, 309-547-3711.

PHOTO Caption: Fulton County 4-H Shooting Sports air rifle discipline members and instructor in rural Lewistown during the Spring session.

About Extension

University of Illinois Extension develops educational programs, extends knowledge, and builds partnerships to support people, communities, and their environments as part of the state's land-grant institution. Extension serves as the leading public outreach effort for University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign and the College of Agricultural, Consumer and Environmental Sciences in all 102 Illinois counties through a network of 27 multi-county units and over 700 staff statewide. Extension’s mission is responsive to eight strategic priorities — community, economy, environment, food and agriculture, health, partnerships, technology and discovery, and workforce excellence — that are served through six program areas — 4-H youth development, agriculture and agribusiness, community and economic development, family and consumer science, integrated health disparities, and natural resources, environment, and energy.