A special summer, course for Extension Master Naturalist is planned in the Fulton-Mason-Peoria-Tazewell Unit. The 10-day course will be held Monday through Friday, June 6 to 17, 9 AM to 2 PM.
University of Illinois Extension's Illinois Master Naturalist Program is designed for adults of any age that want to learn about and positively impact their local environment. The goal of the program is not to teach you everything there is to know about the subjects being covered, but to give you an engaging exposure to the natural world--one that encourages you to seek lifelong learning opportunities to further your development as a naturalist.
This training includes hands-on learning at natural areas throughout the four-county unit and digital learning on your own.
Educators participating in the training will be eligible for 60 Professional Development hours through the ROE #53.
Volunteer Option
$250 - Covers digital learning, field training, handouts, and the Master Naturalist manual. Upon completion of the Master Naturalist training, graduates who have selected the volunteer option, will become Master Naturalist Interns and have 2 years to complete 60 volunteer service hours to become Active Master Naturalist. To continue as an Active Master Naturalist volunteers must fulfill 30 volunteer hour and 10 continuing education hours annually. Participants wanting to become a Master Naturalist volunteer will need to complete an application, background screening and schedule an interview with Extension Program Coordinator, Christine Belless.
Education Only Option
$250 - Covers digital learning, field training, handouts, and the Master Naturalist manual. The education only participants will also need to complete an application and schedule an interview with Extension Program Coordinator, Christine Belless.
Applications, screening paperwork, interviews, and course fee, must be received by May 31.
Extension Master Gardeners - Advanced Certification in Ecology
$125 - Extension Master Gardeners serving in the Fulton-Mason-Peoria-Tazewell Unit are invited to attend the training and receive their Advanced Certification in Ecology.
For more information:
- Extension Master Naturalist brochure
- Fulton-Mason-Peoria-Tazewell Master Naturalist Volunteer application packet
- visit our website
- contact Christine Belless, ag and natural resources program coordinator, cbelless@illinois.edu or 309-547-3711