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Teacher Tuesdays - Health Career Pathways

Event Date(s)
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Jump Simulation

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Teacher Tuesdays – Make, Play, Connect

-a networking event to spur ideas that teachers can test in their classrooms

Teacher Tuesdays is a networking event designed to foster peer-to-peer support for learning. Building a learning community around Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Math (STEAM)Education for our region.

January Teacher Tuesdays - Heath Career Pathways

If you have never had the opportunity to tour the world class Jump Simulation Center, then you won’t want to miss this Teacher Tuesday event. Participants will get to see the amazing facility and participate in stations where they will engage in activities they can take back to their classrooms including: STEM Stars platform, quick kits, and augmented reality coloring books and career books.

Teachers who have participated in events that have visited Jump in the past have called it an unforgettable experience and have made many connections they now use to enhance their classroom STEM activities and their career pathway discussions. If you would like to learn more about the educational opportunities at JUMP Sim, find their virtual and in-person activities here.


Future Teacher Tuesdays events:

Tuesday, February 7, 5 p.m. -Digital Literacy with Deanna King. February's event features some amazing STEM activities and resources related to digital literacy with Deanna King in her STEM room, science lab, and math room.

Tuesday, March 7, 5 pm – STEM Career Exploration and Community Engagement panel discussion at Bradley University.  Join a panel of teachers and educators from the area who have participated in our past summer STEM programming “teacher tracks”.  Learn about ways they have incorporated STEM Career Exploration and Community Engagement in their classroom and also how they access resources in the community.

Please register by the Monday previous to each Tuesday event. 


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