News Releases

Extension to continue online events, 4-H shows in July
URBANA, Ill. – As the state of Illinois moves into Phase 3 of the coronavirus Restore Illinois plan, University of Illinois Extension continues to provide research-based educational programs for families, farmers, and businesses in formats that support public health and safety priorities....
Let's Talk Money webinars encourage financial dialogue
When it comes to talking about money, a lack of financial knowledge and the uneasiness of discussing sensitive issues keeps some people silent and risks the financial health of many families. Let's Talk Money is a free 8-week online series offered by...
Money Mentors Volunteer Program
One out of five people who had a job in February has filed for unemployment, as of April 30th according to a report by NPR. It’s estimated that 50% of Americans have either lost jobs or lost working hours as a result of the coronavirus pandemic. Financial challenges are real for most people in...
Extension continues transition to online webinars, 4-H shows, events
URBANA, Ill. – As Illinois residents contemplate the impact of the coronavirus health pandemic on summer plans, University of Illinois Extension has released updated guidelines for Extension sponsored events and activities. The new guidelines continue to focus on the safety of event participants...
Farmers needed for paid cover crop trial
URBANA, Ill. - Illinois farmers willing to participate in a paid cover crop demonstration trial are needed beginning in fall 2020. Participation is now open.  The Illinois Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education (SARE) program partners with university researchers and...
Document family history with free writing workshop
URBANA, Ill. – Family stories are gifts from one generation to the next. Keep those stories alive with a little help from the Life’s Moments - From Memory to Legacy writing workshop launching May 5. In this fun and interactive virtual series, the University of Illinois Extension...
Learn tips for keeping your brain fit
URBANA, Ill. – Staying fit doesn’t only mean exercising and eating healthy foods. With age, it’s important to do activities which keep our brains fit and healthy, as well as our bodies. Beginning May 7, University of Illinois Extension will...
Understanding the truths of autism
URBANA, Ill. - The myths surrounding autism often overshadow the truths. Leading University of Illinois experts will provide insight into what autism is as they debunk myths during an online webinar from 6:30 to 8 p.m. Tuesday, April 7....
Champaign County Master Gardener Class
For Immediate Release Kill Date 12/31/19 Contact Tabitha Elder, 217-333-7672, Do you value education, love gardening, and like to volunteer?  The University of Illinois Extension’s Master Gardener program is...
8th Annual Agriculture Careers Night
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE KILL DATE: November 11, 2019   November 7, 2019 NEWS RELEASE: 8th Annual Agriculture Careers Night to be held November 12 GILMAN–Did you know the agribusiness industry in Illinois employs over 163,000 people? Agriculture careers...
Now is the time to become a Master Gardener
Now is the time to become a Master Gardener Champaign, IL— Are you searching for a unique gift for a friend who just retired? Would you rather be outside in your garden than anywhere else? The University of Illinois Extension Office will offer Master Gardener Training Classes at...
Fall Tree Questions Answered
By Dave Shiley, Extension Educator-Local Food Systems and Small Farms I am not sure where the summer went, and the fall is going by just as quickly. Cooler night temperatures should help bring out fall tree colors.  This week I wanted to pass along some answers to fall tree...
4-H prepares youth for the challenges of life
MEDIA RELEASE For release 10/1/19 4-H prepares youth for the challenges of life Champaign, Iroquois, Ford, and Vermilion County youth are joining the more than 6 million 4-H members across the nation in celebration of National 4-H Week Oct. 6-12. Last year, 1,...
This red maple is exhibiting early fall color due to added stress from a trunk injury.
Early fall color
  FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE URBANA, Ill. - Do you have a tree that is displaying fall color early this year? In Illinois, most trees do not begin to change colors for the season until October. Although some early color may be beautiful, this may be a sign of health...
Extension receives 2019 Partner of the Year Award
Extension receives 2019 Partner of the Year Award   URBANA, IL, September 17, 2019- University of Illinois Extension received the 2019 Community Partner of the Year Award from the Eastern Illinois Foodbank....