(MILAN, Ill.) Autumn is here, and for home gardeners, it is a time to do last minute landscape maintenance in preparation for a long winter's rest. If you are considering adding: "plant new trees" to your task list, this is the perfect time of year. By planting trees in the autumn, you are giving the tree an additional growing season to recover from transplant shock and put on root growth that will be advantageous to surviving the successive summer heat and drought.
Illinois Extension horticulture educator Emily Swihart will be hosting a free online webinar on Planting and Caring for Trees on Oct 26 at 1 pm. She will share tips on the best practices to care for your trees –new or established. She will also be able to answer your specific questions. Register to attend @go.illinois.edu/TreeCare
For additional information, read the October issue of Emily’s newsletter The Outsider at extension.illinois.edu/hmrs/outsider-newsletter
Source: Emily Swihart, Horticulture EducatorServing Henry, Mercer, Rock Island and Stark Counties
Address: 321 West 2nd Avenue, Milan, IL 61264
Phone (309) 756-9978
Email ESwihart@illinois.edu