Wondering how to manage dicamba in dicamba-tolerant soybeans in 2019? Find out what four Extension and university weed specialists, Aaron Hager with the University of Illinois, Bill Johnson and Joe Ikley with Purdue University, and Mark Loux at The Ohio State University, are recommending regarding dicamba. They just released a bulletin with five additional suggestions to reduce off-site movement of dicamba. This is in response to the EPA's label for dicamba use that was released in October.
In addition to the eight label restrictions the EPA detailed in its updated label for dicamba use, the bulletin provides five additional recommendations, citing, "one can do everything "per the label" but still have offsite movement."
Their full recommendations can be found here: http://bulletin.ipm.illinois.edu/wp-content/uploads/2018/11/Dicamba-Precautions_2018-Update.pdf