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Flowers, Fruits, and Frass

Livingston County Master Gardeners Welcomes 15 new Trainees

Livingston Master Gardeners welcomes 15 new interns to the program after completing 12 weeks of University of Illinois style training in all subjects' horticulture. Kelly Allsup, University of Illinois Horticulture Educator, says, "these new Master Gardener volunteers will ascend on the county to complete their volunteer hours in a range of approved Master Gardener Projects. From the Master Gardener plant help desk, to the native planting and mixed containers at the 4-H park, to working in heirloom gardens at Jones House and Yost House, and presenting gardening programs at the Extension office in Pontiac.

"Reaching youth and the underserved with the love of gardening and promoting the environment will be the Livingston Master Gardeners goal of 2015 and guiding our future work in the county," states Kelly. With an increase in the volunteer base, the leaders for the horticulture program, Brittnay Haag and Kelly, are most excited about being able to get into more schools with the newly developed 4-H School Enrichment program, providing more outreach in the towns outside of Pontiac, and the teamwork needed to grow existing Master Gardener projects.

Please help University of Illinois Extension in welcoming these 15 new volunteers who participated in the very first Master Gardener Training in Livingston County. Class of 2014

Dawn Baker

Phil Baker

Betty Dray

Steve Dray

Virginia Dunning

Carol Gardner

Lee Ann Grieff

RaeJean Kuntz

Diana McGuckin

Barbara McKeever

Rick Miller

Jane Roeschley

Jan Schneider

Mary Schneider

Vic Wiechmann

Livingston Master Gardener trainees evaluated the program with the highest marks, and gave additional comments confirming the value of the program to local residents.

"Friendships were cultivated and bloomed like flowers in a well-tended garden."

"Taking this Master Gardener class surpassed my expectations. It was exciting to meet all the Extension Educators and learn new things."

"It was a wonderful class with great teachers on a wide range of subjects. I understand my mother's love of plants now. "

"Grateful Master Gardener training was in Pontiac."

"Together we will do great things."

"These classes were microcosms of the classes taught at the University of Illinois."

"Thanks again for the well organized and outstanding speakers. Everyone should take these classes!"

Existing Livingston Master Gardener Connie Kostelc says, "The new interns are excited and enthusiastic about joining the Master Gardener group. They will bring a lot of fresh ideas and perspectives to the program. They did such a wonderful job in the classroom that I know they will be an asset to the Master Gardener mission. "