Many of us are all too familiar with that feeling of dread when the electric bill comes each month. Just how much electricity did we use? How high is our bill going to be? Now is a great time to take a look around your home to better understand how you use electricity and to make some simple changes to help reduce your bill. Presenters: Ashley Belle and Erin Garrett.
The Everyday Environment online webinar series will help individuals understand and consider choices which will protect natural resources. The series, presented by University of Illinois Extension energy and environmental experts, are free and will be held at 1 p.m. each Thursday. To learn more, one may check out the series website. Each registration is confirmed with an email.
If you need reasonable accommodation to participate in programming, contact the presenter. Early requests are strongly encouraged to allow sufficient time for meeting your needs.
Illinois Extension is the outreach effort of University of Illinois, extending unbiased, research-based information to help residents identify and solve local problems that build better futures for individuals, families, businesses, farms, and communities. Illinois Extension provides equal opportunities in programs and employment.