As gardening continues to gain popularity, it is important to keep the learning growing.
Whether it is skills needed for a large backyard garden or just a few windowsill and porch pots, sharing the knowledge and how much fun gardening activities with others can be very fulfilling. Step one is answering to the curiosity of growing plants.
From there, whether new to gardening or someone with years of experience but ready to talk plants, register for Growing Great Vegetables, a five-week series from University of Illinois Extension exploring what it takes to grow vegetables from start to harvest.
Led by Emily Swihart, horticulture educator, participants can attend 5 different workshops at the Rock Island Watts Branch Library to be held on Mondays, February 24, March 10, 24, April 7 and 21 from 11 am - 12:30 pm. Attendees will receive research-based tips and fact sheets to supplement learning. You can attend one or more in the free series, but class size is limited. The library will be taking registrations.
Dates and Topics:
- February 24: Where will you Garden?
- March 10: Seed and Plant Choices, Soils and Fertilizers
- March 24: Cool Season Vegetables
- April 7: Warm Season Vegetables
- April 21: Insects and Diseases