
Block Reference


Colorful substances in water, reflected hand, falling cell phone

OpenSciEd Middle School Launch | Cook County

Teacher professional learning focused on high quality instructional materials
County: Cook, Will, Lake, DuPage

Are you ready to implement high-quality NGSS materials in your middle school science classroom?
Nationally certified facilitators from the University of Illinois Extension STEM Team are excited…

Youth judging livestock.

2025 State 4-H Livestock Judging Contest

Mark your calendars!

Illinois 4-H Livestock (Beef, Sheep, Swine & Meat Goats) Judging Contest

Registration Site **There will be a $10 entry fee for all senior…

cookies on a cooling rack with orange graphics in the corners.

Perry County 4-H Food Show

County: Perry

The Perry County 4-H Foods Show will be held at the Pinckneyville Community Center on Tuesday, June 17, beginning at 6 p.m.

Those participating must be registered 4-H youth enrolled in the…

4-H leader high-fiving a member

Peoria 4-H Leaders Meeting

County: Peoria

Agenda items for the 4-H Leaders meeting include:

4-H Fair updatesPick up your club's exhibit tagsFavorite fair events

Dinner is provided.

Swirls of color

Jackson County 4-H General Show

County: Jackson

The Jackson 4-H General Show will be held at the Murphysboro Youth and Rec Center on Saturday, June 29. Registration begins at 9 a.m. and the show starts at 9:30 a.m.

Those participating…


Youth gathered at ISA.

4-H Illini Summer Academies

Save the date!

Illini Summer Academies is a life-changing personal development experience on the University of Illinois campus. Participants from around Illinois attend academy sessions led by…

Two people putting a square bale of hay into a feed bunk for dairy cows.

Farm Property Insurance

Legal Training for Illinois Small Farms Webinar Series
Reduce farm property risk and worry with a better understanding of insurance. 

Running a farm or ranch operation often depends on buildings, equipment, vehicles, and supplies for day-to-day…

Poultry gather.

State 4-H Poultry Judging Contest

We will continue to follow the guidance of IDOA related to any exhibition of poultry as we approach the contest date. Please stay alert to relevant information communicated.

Participation:  A…

Colorful brain illustration

Wits Fitness Dixon | June

County: Lee, Whiteside, Carroll

Do you wish your brain could be more agile? Is your memory not as sharp as you would like? Engage in interactive activities designed to enhance cognitive function and memory in Wits Fitness Brain…

flowers and grass, "Rend Lake Pollinator Garden Stewardship Days"

Plant Identification

Rend Lake Garden Stewardship Days
County: Williamson, Randolph, Perry, Franklin, Jackson

Join us for a day of garden stewardship, education and fun as we partner with the US Army Corps of Engineers at Rend Lake Project Office to provide public pollinator garden stewardship…

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