(ILLINOIS) Please join Illinois Extension on Thursday, March 26, at 12PM (Central time) for an important webinar for local officials, community partners, and professionals across the Illinois. Our current State Climatologist, Trent Ford, will discuss the science and impacts of climate change as they relate to water in Illinois. Following his presentation, Illinois State Water Survey engineer and hydrologist Sally McConkey will explain where to find floodplain information, how to interpret a floodplain map, and further important information. Participants will be able to ask question during a Q & A following the presentation.
For municipal leaders and community organizers across the state, 2019 flooding presented a host of challenges that tested the capabilities of their emergency response systems and the plans that support them. According to the NOAA National Centers for Environmental Information, this was the fifth consecutive year that the U.S. experienced ten or more extreme weather events where the economic impact of each exceeded 1 billion dollars. With a disproportionate number of those events impacting the Midwest region, it seems clear that time spent preparing for weather-related disasters improves a community’s ability to respond and recover from adverse events.
You can register for this FREE webinar online at University of Illinois Extension website: https://extension.illinois.edu/global/local-government-education