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Forestry Videos

Making Maple Syrup - A Basic Introduction

Explore the basics of all of the steps involved in making maple syrup as Extension Forester Chris Evans walks through the maple syrup production process at the Dixon Springs Agricultural Center in southern Illinois. 

Forest Invaders: Common Invasive Plants of Illinois Forests

Presented by Ryan Pankau, Extension Educator, Horticulture Illinois forests are unique plant communities of towering trees as well as tiny, spring wildflowers. Invasive plants threaten native plant diversity in forest communities across Illinois by out-competing our natives for water, light, and...

History of Forest Pest Outbreaks in North America

North America has a history of exotic pests that extirpate individual tree species, with Emerald Ash Borer serving as our modern example. In our current, ever-globalizing society there is significant risk for future outbreaks that may impact all of our trees from the urban forest to our...