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Walking the Line 2022

Image of wooden blocks spelling out Risk Factor with a blurred image of plants in the background

Is your lifestyle putting you at risk?

Could you be one of the six in ten adults living in the United States with at least one chronic health condition? Or are you one of the 40 percent living with at least two or more chronic health conditions? I hope that you fall into neither of these categories. However, I know there is a chance you...
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Images of vitamin D rich foods dairy, mushrooms and fatty fish, sunshine vitamin, plate setting, University logo and watermark

Vitamin D: Prevent muscle loss as you age

Aging well is a goal for many, as it allows us to enjoy all life has to offer well into our golden year. When it comes to aging well, like many things in life, if we are going to be successful, we need to have a plan. If the goal is simply to eat healthily, stay active, and be grateful, you are...
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Image of milk, eggs, nuts, fish, read meat, plate, chicken, protein rich vegetables University Logo and Watermark

Nutrition: Prevent muscle loss as you age

Eating healthy in addition to making sure you are getting adequate physical activity are critical in combating age-related muscle loss. We all know eating healthy is important. However, it is much easier said than done! And what exactly does it mean to eat healthy anyway? Focus on key nutrients...
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Pink heart cookies with frosting on them and a pink tulip. Extension logo and wordmark.

Keep your heart healthy: limit added sugar

We will be pausing to celebrate American Heart Month on this month's destination as we travel together on our wellness journey. Heart disease continues to be the leading cause of death, not only in Illinois but across the nation. Heart disease is a general term referring to any condition affecting...
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