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Prairies to Perennials 2016

Hummingbird Mint Creating a Buzz

As Fall advances, coneflowers, milkweed and other favorites of butterflies and beesare producing fewer blooms and concentrating on seed production for next year. There are plenty of plantsthat continue to brighten container andlandscape plantings andserve asnectar sources.There are alsosome native...
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Lead Plant

When considering native plants to add to your garden, don't overlook Lead Plant, Amorpha canescens. It is an herbaceous, multi-stemmed perennial that grows 3 feet tall and 3 feet wide. If this is a little tall for your garden location, the size is easily managed by pruning. Lead Plant has...
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Ecology Camp

Lincoln Memorial Gardens and Nature Center ecology camps are officially underway this summer for youth. Ecology camps offer children ages 4-15 the chance to explore the varied ecosystems of Illinois including the prairie, woodlands, wetlands and savanna. The camps are held during the dayfrom 8:30-3...
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Evening in the Garden

University of Illinois Extension Master Gardener volunteers will offer "Evening in the Garden" on Thursday, July 21, from 5:30 – 7 pm. This event will showcase Master Gardener demonstration garden projects including Small Fruits, Perennial, Herb, Idea and Compost. Volunteers will be on hand to...
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Master Gardener Volunteers Share Gardening Knowledge

Volunteering is a great way to share your talents. University of Illinois Extension Master Gardener program provides an opportunity for participants to learn more about gardening, develop new friendships and share information with others on good gardening practices. Springfield resident and...
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Garden Garage Sale

University of Illinois Extension Master Gardener volunteers of Sangamon and Menard Counties are sponsoring a Garden Garage Sale. The event will be Friday, June 10, from 9am to 1pm, at the U of I Extension Building, 700 S. Airport Drive, Springfield. Driving directions can be found at U of I...
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Local Bluebird Enthusiasts Working To Expand Population

Bluebirds Face Predators While Nesting Once nearly eliminated from Illinois, local bluebird enthusiasts who have put up and regularly monitor bluebird boxes are helping to grow the population of these birds locally. At the Lincoln Memorial Garden and Nature Center in Springfield,...
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Basil Varieties

This is the time of year when some varieties of basil like large leaf, purple and red varieties start to look straggly and weak. Leaves may start to discolor and drop, leaving a blank spot in the garden and few leaves for late season pesto. There are some varieties, however, that stay attractive...
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Master Naturalist Summit Explores Wetlands Habitat

More than 30 individuals gathered on June 4th at the Nipper Wildlife Sanctuary in Loami for the 2016 University of Illinois Extension Master Naturalist Summit. Attendees learned about wetlands including grasses, plants and wildlife that live around this habitat. Speakers included: Joe...
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Butterflies, Moths and Bees Program

University of Illinois Extension and Dana-Thomas House are partnering to offer Butterflies, Moths and Bees program on Thursday, June 16, at 5 pm. Join Master Gardener volunteers and local experts for a program on the importance of these insects and how to attract them to the garden. Program will be...
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Worms Eat Our Food Scraps

The Imagination Station Children's Garden at Henson Robinson Zoo recently welcomed some new garden helpers…WORMS! University of Illinois Extension Logan-Menard-Sangamon Master Gardener and Master Naturalist volunteers added the worm bin to the garden on June 10. The worm bin houses red wigglers....
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Maintaining Roses Demonstration

This summer, University of Illinois Extension Master Gardener volunteers will provide programs in the Master Gardener demonstration gardens. Keeping rose bushes healthy and blooming all summer takes a summer maintenance plan. Join Master Gardeners volunteers as they discuss "Maintaining Roses...
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Master Naturalists Volunteer Training

The University of Illinois Extension Logan-Menard-Sangamon Unit is accepting applications for the sixth class of Master Naturalist volunteers. Training will begin in August 31 and go through October 26. Classes are held on Wednesday's. Optional Saturday field trips will be scheduled for hands-on...
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Amish Cockscomb

Amish Cockscomb, Celosia cristata, is an annual flower that has beautiful fuzzy red flower heads. This plant is currently growing in the Dean Heirloom Garden at the Lincoln Home National Historic Site, 413 South Eighth St., Springfield, Illinois.  At the Dean Heirloom Vegetable Garden...
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Wetlands- Master Naturalist Summit

Explore the opportunities that the University of Illinois Extension Master Naturalist volunteer program has to offer. Master Naturalist summit, for current volunteers and those with an interest in the program, will be held on Saturday, June 4, from 9am to Noon at Nipper Wildlife Sanctuary...
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Turn Spoil Into Soil

This summer, University of Illinois Extension Master Gardener volunteers will provide programs in the Master Gardener demonstration gardens. Learn more about how to turn your yard waste into black gold for your garden. University of Illinois Extension Master Gardeners volunteers will discuss steps...
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Square Foot Garden

Raising vegetables in a square foot garden can be a great way to grow produce in a small space. In 2016, master gardener volunteers planted a square foot garden in their Small Fruits and Vegetables Demonstration Garden. The set-up followed the expertise of Mel Bartholemew set out in his "Square...
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Harvesting Peppers Program

Harvesting Peppers. This summer, University of Illinois Extension Master Gardener volunteers will provide programs in the Master Gardener demonstration gardens. Join Master Gardener volunteers on Thursday, August 25, at 5:30 p.m., for theirthird in a series of...
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Worth Waiting For...

Worth Waiting For.... There are many annual and perennial sages commonly found in gardens in spring and summer. They are reliable bloomers in reds, blues, and other colors and fill a variety of landscape needs. Several Salvia species are easy to grow, relatively trouble free, and...
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Dividing Perennials

This spring, University of Illinois Extension Master Gardener volunteers will provide programs in the Master Gardener demonstration gardens. Thursday, May 19, at 5:30 pm, volunteers will demonstrate "Dividing Perennials." Demonstration will include information on how to divide...
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