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A Strategic Path for Extension Impact


Throughout 2023 and early 2024, Illinois Extension, in partnership with Huron Consulting Group, engaged in a comprehensive planning process to refine and refresh its core priorities, goals, and paths to success through internal and external stakeholder surveys, focus groups, and listening sessions statewide. The research yielded vital findings around Extension’s engagement, services, partnerships, and impact and identified shifting trends, demographics, and needs that will impact Illinois residents. 

Connect. Learn. Grow.

person planting young tomato transplant

Plan Your Garden

Growing your own produce brings many rewards. Plan your garden space and find out when to plant your favorite vegetables and fruit in each Illinois plant hardiness zone.

Explore Gardening Tips

cupcakes on a counter

Grow Your Food Business

Learn about the laws, certifications, processes, and practices required to run a home-based cottage food operation safely and legally in Illinois.

Cottage Food Resources

watering can sprinkling young garden plants

Spring Into Summer

Beat the heat this summer and learn how to help birds, plants, pollinators, trees, and gardens thrive with resources from our newest issue of Gardeners Corner.

Read Gardeners Corner

Recent News

Overwintering potted plants

URBANA, Ill. — Perennial plants being overwintered in pots are subjected to much harsher conditions compared to those in the soil. Because of this, they can be damaged and killed. Fortunately, there are some steps to try to get these plants through the winter and enjoy them again come spring.…

Will agricultural weeds finally claim the upper hand in a changing climate?

URBANA, Ill. — A few years back, a group of weed scientists showed that soil-applied herbicides are less effective against agricultural weeds in the context of our changing climate. Now, the same research group, led by the USDA Agricultural Research Service and the University of Illinois Urbana-…

Illinois Extension's health education transforms lives in Illinois communities

URBANA, Ill. — In line with Illinois' land-grant mission, University of Illinois Extension develops educational programs, fosters knowledge, and builds partnerships to support individuals and communities. In 2023, the team members working in Extension's Family and Consumer Sciences program areas…

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