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Phytophthora Infection Predicted in Some Cucurbit Fields

Dear Growers,

After heavy rainfall of Tuesday (July 11th) in some parts of Illinois, we may experience substantial Phytophthora infection in cucurbit fields.

I recommend the following for the management of Phytophthora blight of pumpkins:

Spray plants at 7-day intervals with Orondis Opti + a copper alternated with Revus + a copper.

New label of premixed Odondis Opti can be found at the following link:

If Orondis Opti is not available, consider the following:

Spray plants at 7-day intervals with Revus + a copper alternated with Ranman + a copper.

Plants should be sprayed immediately.


Mohammad Babadoost
Extension Specialist, Plant Pathology
Department of Crop Sciences
N-533A Turner Hall
1102 S Goodwin Ave
Urbana, IL 61801
Phone: 217-333-1523